Lamb manure as fertilizer: composition, application

sheep keeping Lamb manure is used as fertilizer for many plants. Unlike mullein, sheep excrement contains more nitrogen and therefore decomposes well even in heavy soils. But despite this, you should be extremely careful, since fresh manure can burn the roots of plants.

Lamb manure as fertilizer: application

Lamb manure as fertilizer

Before fertilizing the garden with manure, you should know all the positive and negative aspects of this composition. Pure sheep manure is rarely used. It contains a lot of nitrogen. It brings the greatest benefits in combination with other organic fertilizers. It is a very effective tool for fertilizing and enriching the soil after winter.

Organic residues of such vegetable crops will help improve compost:

  • nightshade;
  • melons;
  • bell pepper;
  • corn.

It is not recommended to use the remains of animal origin (fat, bones and wool) so that manure perepil quickly. The final product can be considered ready in about a couple of months.

Manure should not be scattered over the soil or in small heaps. Thus, useful elements are lost, and fertilization will no longer be as effective. Manure scattered in the beds should be immediately covered with earth. First of all, this applies to fertilizer that is applied for the winter. If this is not done, compost will lose all its valuable qualities by spring.

Sheep manure application

sheep fertilizationThe most optimal time to use sheep manure as fertilizer is when digging land in the fall or spring. All experienced gardeners do this. If the procedure is carried out in the summer, then the manure should be spread out on the beds in small heaps and immediately dug up along with the ground.

It is not worth embedding sheep dung too deeply. The deeper you plug it, the worse it will act on the soil. The golden mean will be the depth of the shovel. In order for the decomposition process to take place faster, about 7 days after the first application, the soil must be re-dug up.

During one year from the enriched soil, the plants take the most potassium. But phosphorus and nitrogen are consumed more slowly. When you apply manure, add some fertilizer containing these substances to the soil. However, the soil should not be oversaturated. Alternate mineral and organic feed. Add some in the spring, others in the fall, then change the sequence.

Sheep manure is quite dense in structure. To soften it, moisten the excrement periodically and stir frequently. So the whole mixture will be well saturated with oxygen from the inside.

There is a lot of potassium in rotted manure, nitrogen and phosphorus. In the fresh - the content of these elements is below. To get one part of humus, you need to take three times more fresh manure.

The highest quality humus for feeding is obtained in a greenhouse. Otherwise, it will contain a lot of insect larvae and weed seeds.

Sheep humus along with straw is ideal for mulching. The soil will retain moisture longer, and when watering and heavy rains, manure will give up a lot of nutrients.

Sheep manure as a pure fertilizer is used with extreme caution (in spring, 15 - 20 days before the start of sowing work). It is also necessary to use it carefully when heating greenhouses. Under the influence of high temperatures, harmful gases are released from it.

Benefits of using sheep dung as fertilizer

advantage of using sheep manureThis fertilizer contains a lot of straw. Such a mixture needs additional processing. It must be crushed and fine organic residues added. Sheep manure is mainly used for fertilizing pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini. After overcooking, it is suitable for all green crops, as well as beets and carrots. It also works great on garden soil.

The only condition is not to pour fresh manure near plants with young shoots.

The benefits of sheep dung are as follows:

  1. An environmentally friendly fertilizer that is available to everyone.
  2. Helps to improve physical parameters and soil structure.
  3. It has all the elements necessary for nutrition.
  4. More effective than mullein.
  5. Dry manure has no unpleasant odor.
  6. It is applied in small doses, a very economical option.
  7. Can be used as biofuel for heating greenhouses.

The most significant disadvantage of this fertilizer is the high risk of burns on all parts of the plant. This often happens when the conditions under which the manure was harvested and stored are violated.composition of sheep manure

Sheep manure contains:

  • water (about 65%);
  • potassium (0.67%);
  • calcium (0.33%);
  • phosphorus (0.23%);
  • nitrogen (0.83%);
  • organic matter (31.8%).

Special microorganisms help to process nitrogen, while releasing methane ammonia (from 1 kg of raw materials - about 0.62 m 3 gases). Most of them are methane. Because of this, crops and adult plants often die.

If you follow all the rules for the preparation and use of sheep manure, you can get strong plants and collect a high-quality, bountiful harvest. Please note that mixtures with a similar fertilizer are added to the soil every 4 years, not more often.

Video on using goat manure

  1. Grengin

    For the inhabitants of Odessa - I myself have been bringing in the syringe for several years, recently I have been buying in the Avangard village very pleased with the price and quality, as for pests and parasites - I am sure that they are absent - since I myself was convinced when typing the syringe with my own bags from a pile - this is cheaper, or to buy shredded powder through DKU - it is packaged with them but more expensive) the price in December 2018 was 30 UAH. for a bag if you type it yourself and you can take any large bag for example with sugar - 60 - 70 liters will fit into it, or 35 UAH. for the volume of 30 liters, packed in their bag, killed in the DKU.


