Do you know what to do if there is a sticky bloom on indoor flowers

What if there is a sticky bloom on indoor flowers, and what could it be? First I saw the shiny leaves of the pelargonium, which stuck when touched. Then all the plants that stood with her on the same windowsill also became sticky. I sprayed it with soapy water, but after a week everything began to shine again. I have a lot of flowers, I'm afraid that this muck will not infect the others. Is it a disease or a pest?

what to do if there is a sticky coating on indoor flowers Have you noticed that your favorite plants began to shine suspiciously and stick to your hands? Perhaps this is the most common question among gardeners: "What to do if there is a sticky bloom on indoor flowers?" After all, healthy green pets are not sticky, of course, if this is not their individual trait. However, in most plants, the leaf blade is either smooth or fleecy, but definitely not sticky. The clear astringent fluid is the result of pests. Having chosen a bush, they feed on the sap of the plant, leaving behind traces of vital activity. Who can it be and how to get rid of uninvited neighbors?

Which of the pests declares itself with a sticky bloom

Most often, the surface of the leaves becomes sticky, but some insects "live" and mark the entire plate. Such small, but very dangerous pests leave behind a glossy shiny trail:

  1. Aphid. "Disguised" in the deciduous crown due to its green color. Dots (bite points) appear on the leaves, which grow over time, leading to drying out. Also, he would not mind enjoying the buds. A particular danger is that aphids fly. It is necessary to urgently take action until she has populated all the flowerpots.aphid
  2. Shield. One of the most difficult to notice, it looks more like small growths that have appeared on the leaves and petioles. It is most often possible to detect the pest even when the leaf begins to die off and brighten. It is very difficult to remove, the most effective way is to remove it manually.shield
  3. Whitefly. A small butterfly lays eggs on the back of the leaf. After hatching, the larvae move along the plate, leaving sticky traces.whitefly
  4. Mealybug. White tiny pests look like white bloom from a distance, so they are the easiest to spot.mealybug
  5. Spider mite. The insect itself cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is usually determined by a glossy sticky coating and a thin cobweb.spider mite

What to do if there is a sticky coating on indoor flowers

Pests that leave a characteristic mark are dangerous in themselves. Feeding on the sap of flowers, they gradually lead to the fact that the plants dry out. However, this is not all: pathogenic fungi feel good on sticky leaves. As a friendly duet, insects and mushrooms will quickly destroy your flowers.

While there are few pests, you can try to do without chemistry. Bathe the plants well with soapy water, several times with a break of 3-4 days. You can make it from ordinary laundry soap (yellow) or special green soap.

insecticidesIn case of severe damage, one bathing is not enough. More serious insecticides will be needed. Fitoverm has proven itself well, Aktara, Actellik, Fufanon, Confidor.

How to get rid of flowers from scale insects - video

  1. lilac

    what is the name of this flower, please tell me


