Basic principles of crop rotation and what to plant after beets

Vegetables grown at their summer cottage Novice summer residents do not always know what to plant after beets or other vegetable crops to get a good harvest every year. How long will it take to grow other vegetables, and which ones after the beet has been harvested? The subtleties of organizing plantings on the site are not familiar to everyone, therefore, gardening enthusiasts more than once face such a problem as a lack of harvest or low quality fruits.

Novice vegetable growers should first study and adhere to the rules of crop rotation. In fact, the right approach to planting vegetables does a lot:

  • Growing a good harvest.
  • Protect crops from diseases and pests.
  • Maintaining the soil in excellent condition.
  • Reducing the amount of chemicals and mineral fertilizers used.

Basic concepts and principles

Crop rotation table

Crop rotation Is the alternation of crops in the garden. To get a consistently good harvest, you need to correctly draw up a crop rotation scheme! If some people think that they cannot cope with this task, then they are mistaken. To draw up a diagram correctly, it is enough to know the basic principles of crop rotation, clearly explaining which vegetables can be planted after which crops

The most important rule: It is not recommended to plant plants from the same family in the same place, but there are still exceptions. It is also undesirable to plant crops with the highest nutrient requirements ahead of those that have a lower need for them.

Dividing plants into nutrient requirements:

  • High level - potatoes, squash, cabbage, spinach, celery, pumpkin. A feature of the crop rotation is potatoes, cabbage - these crops can be grown in one place for several seasons in a row.
  • Medium - cucumber, melon, radish, eggplant, tomato, beetroot, carrot.
  • Low level - bush beans, onions, radishes, lettuce.

Therefore, what to plant after beets can be calculated from this list.

Crops that can be planted after beets

It must be said right away that in any case, you need to give the earth a rest, as well as fertilize it. Beetroot belongs to the Haze family. It is unpretentious and grows well in soils rich in minerals. The main requirement for beets is good watering.


PotatoesSo, after the beets, you can plant potatoes. It grows well enough in all climates. To grow a good crop, potatoes must be planted in loose soil with a normal water regime.


GarlicAfter the beets, you can plant garlic. This plant is very fond of light. Most often it is grown in separate beds, but if there is not enough space, garlic can be planted with other crops. Strawberries, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, raspberries will be an excellent neighbor. Some flowers also prefer the neighborhood of this culture - these are roses and tulips.


TomatoesTomatoes can also be planted after beets. Before planting tomatoes, you need to prepare the soil well, that is, it needs to be fertilized. Suitable as a soil fertilizer peat, humus.


CarrotAn excellent vitamin vegetable that sprouts well after beets. Carrots are very fond of moisture and sun, however, in moderation. It can be planted not only after beets, but also tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, cabbage.


EggplantBeautiful purple, white eggplants can also be grown if the beet was the predecessor.

Cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini

Watermelon, squash, pumpkin, cucumberThese unique vegetables can be planted after the beets, but the soil must be fertilized very well first.

To always get a good harvest, you need to draw up a table in which the garden must be divided into sectors with the names of the crops planted this season. And for the next year, use this tip when planning the placement of vegetables, fruits, flowers.

Crop rotation video


