Photos and descriptions of popular varieties of asparagus beans

Asparagus beans in bloom The main feature of asparagus beans is the absence of a coarse parchment layer on the inside of the valves. This natural defense is formed in the beans as the seeds ripen and does not allow the pods themselves, so beloved by gourmets around the world for their juiciness, delicate taste, beneficial properties and versatility of use, cannot be used for food.

Asparagus beans: two types under the same name

Phaseolus vulgaris beans

Vegetable bean dishes, first tasted by Europeans in the 18th century, were made from the Phaseolus vulgaris bean, brought from the American shores by the Spanish and Portuguese. Over the past centuries, many fruitful varieties of common beans have been bred, including those that do not form a parchment layer inside the shoulder blades. Such plants give elongated dietary beans of a cylindrical shape, which retain the juiciness of the valves for a very long time.

In addition, today gardeners and adherents of a healthy lifestyle are offered to try numerous and very interesting varieties of asparagus beans from the Asian region. These are cowpeas or cowpeas, several varieties of which are combined under the name Vigna unguiculata.

The peculiarity of this type of beans is long, round pods in cross-section. If the pods of domestic, European or American asparagus beans do not exceed 40 cm in length, then cowpea beans, with proper care, can easily grow to a meter long. Because of their unusual appearance in China and in the West, beans are sometimes called snake beans.

Cowpea or cowpeaThe immediate family shown in the photo asparagus beans of this kind, it is considered moth beans from India, mung bean and a number of species common in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. At the same time, both types of asparagus beans are annual plants cultivated as bush or climbing forms and give not only juicy pods, but also edible, nutritious seeds of various sizes and colors.

Unlike American varieties of asparagus beans, which are necessarily subjected to heat treatment, cowpea beans of milky-wax ripeness can be safely eaten raw. Small cowpea seeds are useful not only in traditional dishes, but also sprouted. The only drawback of this amazing asparagus bean is its thermophilic nature, so in central Russia, the plant can often be seen in greenhouses, where Asian beans bring a stable yield of pods and seeds for sowing. To speed up obtaining cowpea beans, you can:

  • choose bushy asparagus beans, which tend to ripen more quickly than climbing plants, but their beans are much shorter;
  • give preference to Chinese or domestic varieties and hybrids, less whimsical than the Japanese varieties.

Recently American selection of cowpea has become popular. Asparagus varieties of common beans are not becoming less popular.

Descriptions and photos of the asparagus bean variety Phaseolus vulgaris

Modern varieties and fruitful hybrids of this variety are distinguished by the tenderness and high juiciness of the pods, their even cylindrical shape and stable fruiting in a variety of climatic conditions. Among the varieties there are both bush and curly. The beans can be green, yellow, white, purple, and variegated. The fruits of asparagus beans differ in the same variety of colors.

Bona's Asparagus Beans

Bona's Asparagus BeansStraight beans with a bend barely noticeable to the tip ripen in 50–75 days, which classifies this variety of asparagus beans of domestic selection as early maturing.

The culture forms a compact bush, no more than 40 cm high. For this asparagus bean, as in the photo, delicate rounded pods 13–16 cm long are characteristic, in which there is no parchment layer. Up to 6 glossy white seeds usually mature in a pod.

The variety is well known to Russian vegetable growers, famous for its disease resistance, productivity and versatility of use.

Asparagus bean variety Blue Lake

Asparagus bean variety Blue LakeUnlike the previous variety, these asparagus beans are tall. Plants reach a height of one and a half meters and require the organization of strong supports. Ripening begins in 50–56 days, so the variety is very early. The beans are long, rich green and up to 16 cm long.

Seeds are medium-sized, white. There are no coarse fibers on the valves, which determines the high dietary value of the asparagus bean variety shown in the photo. Plants are fruitful, resistant to common diseases. For stable growth and fruiting, the culture needs regular watering, food and abundance of light.

Yellow asparagus bean variety Sweet Courage

Yellow asparagus bean variety Sweet CourageThe early maturing bush variety provides a harvest already 41–56 days after germination and forms compact 40-centimeter plants. A distinctive feature of this asparagus bean is the cylindrical, slightly curved, juicy beans of bright yellow color. The length of such a pod is 12-16 cm.

Description and photo of the variety of asparagus beans Neringa

Neringa asparagus bean varietyThe bushes of the presented variety of asparagus beans can be harvested in 50-60 days. As you can see in the photo, asparagus beans produce narrow, green pods with a length of 14 to 16 cm. The leaves are juicy, thick, without a layer of parchment that spoils the taste of the product. Plants bear fruit together; beans are suitable for all types of processing. Today, Russian breeders offer a great variety of varieties of asparagus beans. The advantage of these varieties and hybrids is local adaptability and availability.

Plants obtained in other countries are no less interesting and worthy of the attention of gardeners. The leaders in breeding work in this direction are the USA, France, Holland and Italy.

Asparagus Bean Pencil Pod Black Wax

Asparagus Bean Pencil Pod Black WaxIt takes 60 to 65 days for the beans of the Italian variety to ripen. Vegetable bushes are about 40 cm high, are hardy and productive. The delicate yellow cylindrical pods are tasty and have good marketability. They retain their juiciness and dense crispy texture for a long time. Inside the bean of this variety of asparagus beans there are up to 6 black oblong seeds, the length of the pod reaches 15 cm.

Description and photo of Mascotte asparagus beans

Asparagus beans MascotteBeans are harvested from very small Mascott plants within 50–55 days after germination. Without fibrous inclusions, dense, crispy pods are very much loved by the French. The bushes are so compact that they can be grown on a window in a city apartment.

Therefore, these asparagus beans are one of the favorites in this country. Excellent yield and decent quality of 15 cm long fruit.

Purple Queen asparagus beans

Purple Queen asparagus beansThis variety of asparagus beans, judging by the photo, is rightfully called the "purple queen." Bright beans are clearly visible, and thanks to the high yield from bushes up to 60 cm in height, you can pick up a whole bunch of juicy healthy pods. In the process of cooking, the color of the shutters changes to a thick green. The growing season lasts up to 55 days. The beans can grow up to 20 cm.

Kentucky Blue Pole American Asparagus Beans

A favorite of American farmers, the Kentucky Blue Pole asparagus bean produces high yields of sweet, quality beans. The growing season lasts up to 65 days, during which a large climbing plant with a height of about 2.5 meters is formed.

Kentucky Blue Pole American Asparagus BeansThe presented variety of asparagus beans has a lot in common with the domestic Blue Lake.The culture also bears fruit for a long time, yielding 20-centimeter long beans.

Yellow Asparagus Beans Gold Mine

Yellow Asparagus Beans Gold MineUltra-sweet bush-type asparagus beans. Plants are upright, strong, pods are formed in clusters, which significantly increases productivity. Up to 600-800 grams of beans can be removed from one bush, the growing season lasts up to 55 days. Both adults and children like the unusual taste of the fruit.

Vigna beans: photos and descriptions of varieties

Asian variety of asparagus beans, cowpea, is becoming more and more popular in the world. Russian breeders did not stand aside either. Leading companies already offer their own varieties of this variety of vegetable beans. Seed companies of other countries are not lagging behind.

Vigna Fakir beans

Vigna Fakir beansA mid-season bean variety from Sedek attracts gardeners with green beans 30–50 cm long. At the same time, the width of the valve does not exceed 1 cm, and its pulp is tender and does not have a rough inner shell at all. Tall bushes twist beautifully and can climb up to 3 meters in height.

The domestic selection of asparagus beans is highly resistant to diseases, is harvestable and feels great in Russian gardens. In the southern regions, cultivation in the open field is possible, and in the middle lane - only in greenhouse.

Beans Vigna Spaghetti

Beans Vigna SpaghettiThe advantage of this variety is its high yield and quality of long, parchment-free pods. The length of the beans in good years reaches 55 cm, the width is 1 cm. The color of the valves is green, the consistency is juicy, without bean flavor and aftertaste. From one vigorous vigorous bush in 60 days, up to 5 kg of useful products are obtained.

Asparagus Bean Vigna Macaretti

Asparagus Bean Vigna MacarettiHarvest beans, growing in 60–65 days and forming dense crispy fruits up to 35 cm long. Plants of this variety of cowpea beans are tall and fast-growing. The height of the bush requires the use of supports, otherwise it will be difficult for the plant to withstand the abundance of beans.

The variety of Russian selection has high marketable and taste qualities and is of interest to gardeners in various regions.

Voigna Beans Countess

Variety Countess from Gavrish can be attributed to the Japanese variety of vigna. Tall, up to 5 meters, plants give many long thin pods, sometimes a meter long. The pod leaf width is only 1.5 cm. The seeds are small, round-oval, black.

Voigna Beans CountessThis is one of the most capricious varieties of asparagus beans for Russian gardeners, but in greenhouse conditions, even in the middle lane, the cowpea manages to ripen and give seeds.

Popular French variety of Fortex asparagus beans

Popular French variety of Fortex asparagus beansDelicious asparagus beans from French breeders do not have a coarse layer in the bean valves, they are distinguished by an excellent delicate texture and bright taste.

Popular French BeansThis variety of white beans is very popular in France, where they appreciate not only the taste of 20-30 centimeter pods, but also dense nutritious chocolate-colored seeds. The growing season lasts from 75 to 80 days, during which the climbing plant grows 2.5-3 meters.

Red Podded Asparagus Beans

Red Podded Asparagus BeansLong, up to 80 cm, beans are not only distinguished by their size, but also by their bright purple color. Climbing strong plants easily tolerate a large number of pods, becoming not only a source of a delicious product, but also a decoration of the site. For culinary purposes, it is best to use beans up to half a meter long. They are the juiciest and most crunchy.

Asparagus Yardlong Classic Wign Bean

Asparagus Yardlong Classic Wign BeanThis variety of asparagus beans, in the photo, can be called a real classic! Curly vigorous plants, reaching a height of 3-4 meters, consistently delight gardeners with thin long beans. In some cases, the length of succulent pods is 70–80 cm. Plants are unpretentious, resistant to disease. Vegetation lasts about 80 days.

Both beans and mature seeds taste good. The dishes are aromatic and healthy, the beans have a light nutty aroma. We recommend trying to grow this amazing variety of beans on your site in order to be able to verify its quality.

Tips for growing beans in the country - video

  1. Venus

    Hello, on Russian sites, hostesses write green beans. I did not understand what kind of beans it could be. Can you enlighten? Thank.

  2. Peacock

    Also cowpea is used in vertical gardening, you can quickly decorate verandas and gazebos


