How to grow irgu - the most persistent and unpretentious berry bush

how to grow irgu Do you want to decorate your plot with beautiful bushes, feast on delicious berries, but at the same time put a minimum of effort? We invite you to learn how to grow irgu - a perennial shrub with unique abilities and capabilities. In spring, the irga will delight you with lush and gentle flowering, when many white flowers bloom among the green mass. In the summer, while remaining decorative, it decorates the garden with red berries, which alternately, when ripening, turn black. And in the fall, its green foliage will turn yellow, as if someone had put a golden outfit on the plant. For all its versatility, the irga will not cause much trouble and will not take much time.

How to grow irgu: where and how to plant

Irga is one of the few shrubs that can grow with little or no additional care from the gardener. This is due to its powerful root system. Having long roots, going deep up to 2 m, the irga gets its food and moisture from the lower layers of the soil. Therefore, additional feeding is not of vital importance for her.

In addition to the fact that the roots of the irgi are deeply deepened, they also grow in width, occupying an area up to 2 m in diameter around the shrub. This must be taken into account when landing. There should be a distance of 2 m between the saplings of irgi or to the plants growing in the neighborhood so that everyone has enough food and space.

As for the soil, even here irge has no equal: it will grow on any land, except, perhaps, a swamp, and even in a shady corner. True, if you plan to grow irgu as a berry crop, and not for beauty, it is better to set aside a sunny area for planting. For the same purpose, the planting hole is added organic fertilizer (compost, ash).

Simple bush care

Perhaps the most significant and troublesome procedure when caring for an irga is pruning. However, some gardeners neglect it, giving the plant complete freedom. However, most varieties of irgi are tall and can grow up to 5 m or more without pruning. Given that the berries are tied closer to the end of the branches, harvesting at this height will be problematic. For this, pruning is needed: it helps to restrain the growth of the bush, as well as to form a comfortable and beautiful crown.

Pruning can be done in fall or spring by removing shoots:

  • old;
  • sick;
  • dry;
  • thickening the crown;
  • growing at the roots (growth).

In addition, you need to shorten the tops of the branches so that they stop growing upward, and give side branches. And from the 10th year of the bush's life, carry out a rejuvenating pruning, leaving only no more than 15 of the strongest shoots.

A characteristic feature of the irgi is its high drought and frost resistance. Only young bushes need to be watered regularly in the first year of life. In the future, the plant will have enough natural precipitation, with the exception of the dry period. But with wintering there are no problems at all - even 40 ° C of frost irge are not afraid.

Varieties grown for ornamental purposes are usually not fed. To preserve the abundance and quality of fruiting, it is recommended to water the bush with a solution based on bird droppings in the spring or early summer. In the fall, you can add a little superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Video about growing irgi


