Sunny apricot variety Triumph North

apricot Northern Triumph Gardeners of middle and northern latitudes have long appreciated the Triumph North apricot. Frost and disease resistance make this variety desirable in every garden.

Professor A. N. Venyaminov all his life was engaged in the creation of frost-resistant stone fruit crops. Crossed varieties Red-cheeked and Severny early he got a variety that, for one reason or another, was never entered into the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation. However, this does not prevent him from being in demand and loved.

Characteristics of the variety

tree in the garden The tree in the garden is grown for the fruit itself. That is why the description of the Triumph Severny apricot variety must begin with a description of the stone fruit.

ripe fruitsThe apricot of this tree is round, sometimes slightly elongated. Usually, the weight of one average fruit is within 35 - 40 g, but in productive years, when nature gives an excess of the ovary, and the tree has not shed it, the fruits are slightly smaller. In lean years, when several dozen fruits are tied on a tree, they reach decent sizes, and their taste is much richer.

ripening of apricot Northern TriumphExamining the fruits of the Triumph North apricots in the photo, it becomes clear that the color scheme can vary. This is significantly influenced by:

  • landing site;
  • weather;
  • cultivation area.

Having conceived to grow an apricot of the Triumph Severny variety in the central or northern regions, you need to understand that it will not be as sweet as the fruits grown in the southern latitudes, but will retain its unique amazing taste.

The flesh of the fruit is soft and juicy, but the skin is dense and slightly sour, with a pleasant and long aftertaste. The aroma of the fruit is strong enough, with a sillage. The outer covering of the apricot is pleasant with a slight edging. The stone is well separated, medium-sized, yellow-brown in color.

The tree pleases with its fruits from the middle of summer, depending on the region of cultivation.

The fruits behave well in processing. The zealous housewife will make compote, and jam, and jam, and juice from sunny fruits.

Features of the tree

sizes of apricot fruits Triumph NorthA vigorous apricot variety Triumph Severny, whose tree height reaches four meters, does not always make it possible to remove the fruits completely and not damaged. In addition, they are quite tightly held on the branches, and not every wind can throw them to the ground. However, long, large, powerful branches and a spreading volumetric crown can easily withstand a fruit picker.

The leaf of this apricot is rather large, pointed, with small teeth, dark green with a moderate sheen.

The apricot of the Triumph Severny variety begins to bear fruit for 4 - 5 years. However, this only happens when the tree is planted correctly.

Planting and leaving

planting apricotThe heat-loving stone fruit culture, of course, requires special attention and a special place in the garden. She needs to be given the brightest, protected from the northern winds territory. Plant a tree on the south side of your home or other structure. Tall trees planted to the north, as well as fences, can serve as protection for the southerner.

When planting, consider both your buildings and neighbors. Check in advance if the neighbors have plans ahead of the apricot, to plant a large-growing tree - there will be no fruit in the shade.

Apricot Triumph North, beautiful self-fertile, variety. It will not require a pollinator partner. A breath of wind is enough for its flowers to turn into an ovary.But return frosts at the time of flowering do not always pass without a trace for the apricot. However, the correct fit will help to cope with this problem.

When purchasing a seedling, consider a few trees, and choose the “stocky” one, this will promote good survival and give a start to growth and development.

apricot seedlingsPay attention to the seedling seller. Re-grading and varietal non-compliance can cost you several years of waiting, and then uprooting a barren tree. Give preference to proven and certified nurseries.

The best planting time for early flowering stone fruits is autumn. In the spring, they quickly enter the phase of sap flow, and interruption of this process does not always have a favorable effect on survival.

The Triumph Severny apricot variety in planting and care will not differ much from other varieties. However, given its high yield, you need to worry about feeding.

Apricot does not tolerate close-lying groundwater and acidic soils. If the soil is fresh, then pre-planting work should be started long before planting the seedling. Dig a hole. Enrich the soil with fresh compost, humus and superphosphate... Allow the soil mixture to soak and "mature". At this point, soil microorganisms will process all the ingredients and make them bioavailable for the tree's consumption.

The annual introduction of furnace ash into the trunk circle will provide the tree with potassium and phosphorus, which will have a beneficial effect on flowering and fruit setting.

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