Azofoska: application for feeding grapes

I have a small vineyard in my dacha, which in recent years has begun to yield a smaller harvest. A friend advised me to bring in azofoska. Tell me how to use Azofoska to fertilize grapes?

Azofoska refers to complex mineral fertilizers, which are widely used in the cultivation of various crops. The main composition of the preparation includes phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. These are some of the most essential elements for the full development of cultures. Fertilizer is applied for root dressing by direct application to the soil or in the form of a solution and provided in the form of granules. Depending on the purpose, the drug has several formulas that differ in composition.

Azophoska for grapes is of particular value. The fact is that adult bushes, which are already bearing fruit, annually take the above substances from the soil. If their stocks are not replenished in time, the land will become impoverished over time, and the bushes will have no nutrients left for them to develop further. Accordingly, this will affect the quality and quantity of the crop.

Features of the drug


As a result of introducing azofoska:

  • plants are provided with the necessary complex of nutrients;
  • growth accelerates and the root system is strengthened;
  • yield increases;
  • the taste characteristics of fruits and berries are improved;
  • increased resistance to diseases and adverse weather conditions;
  • the storage periods of the crop are extended.

Fertilizer works especially well on heavy soils, making them more suitable for growing crops.

How to use the drug?


Fertilizer Azofosk is used for feeding grapes by adding it in one of the following ways:

  1. Dry... The granules are scattered at the rate of 35 g per 1 sq. m. soil under the bush.
  2. As a solution... Watering is carried out at the root with a solution in which 2 tbsp is used for 10 liters of water. l. drug.

Feed the grapes Azophos should be followed a maximum of two times per season:

  • the first time - before flowering begins;
  • the second time - when the ovaries are formed.

The drug should be stored in a closed container, otherwise its beneficial properties will weaken.

watering with solution

The application of fertilizer by scattering granules is allowed only with the onset of heat (in spring - in May, in autumn - in September), when the soil warms up well. In cold soil it will build up, creating dangerous amounts of nitrate. In the summer, you can use a solution based on azophoska.

A special feature of azophoska is that it is almost not washed out of the soil during precipitation.

What else can you feed grapes - video


