What are the reservoirs, types of natural and artificial reservoirs

Tell us, what are the reservoirs? We planned to make a pond at the dacha. In the process of work, the children decided to improve their level of knowledge. They demand that I explain to them where the water comes from in the reservoirs, and what kind of water we will have. And I somehow forgot everything, it would not hurt to update my knowledge.

what are the reservoirs Water is one of the basic conditions for life, and it doesn't matter for whom or for what. Flowers and trees, birds and animals, and even you and I cannot survive without water. It is not for nothing that water bodies occupy most of the planet Earth. Many summer residents also dream of a small pond on their site to be closer to nature. Did you know that the ocean is also a body of water, only very large? Today we will briefly talk about what water bodies are and how they differ.

A body of water is all water bodies, regardless of their size, which are formed in depressions of different sizes on land. Depending on the type of water bodies, water movement is completely absent in them, or it is very slow and unstable.

Water bodies can be natural (formed as a result of natural phenomena) and artificial (man-made).

Types of natural reservoirs

natural reservoirs

Natural bodies of water include:

  • ocean;
  • sea;
  • lakes;
  • large ponds.

The river is also a natural reservoir, but since it has a constant flow, it belongs to watercourses.

Lakes can be fresh or saline if they are filled with stagnant water and mineral deposits accumulate on the bottom. But the water in natural ponds is always only fresh, although in size they are more like small lakes.

What are the reservoirs of artificial origin

artificial reservoirsArtificial reservoirs are:

  1. Reservoirs. They can be of large volume, dam - erected on watercourses and designed to regulate channel flow. They are filled mainly due to surface water runoff. There are also dug reservoirs, when a foundation pit is dug in the ground and artificially filled with water. Their sizes are much more modest than those of dam reservoirs.
  2. Ponds... These are the same reservoirs, but only with a smaller volume of water. Depending on the method of creation, they can be fed by river runoff, groundwater, or completely artificially filled.
  3. Pools. These are ponds of small volumes with lining of the bottom and sides, the water regime of which is fully regulated by man.

The listed reservoirs are permanent, and there are also temporary ones. They arise as a result of the floods of large rivers and are called oxbows.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that our favorite summer cottages and fountains are also artificial reservoirs. Most often, the purpose of their creation is to decorate the site. But, if you wish, you can always create a whole ecosystem in the ponds by populating fish and planting plants.

Video about what water bodies are



