Chinese apple or kumquat - what kind of fruit is it and what to do with it

Tell us about kumquat, what kind of fruit is it and how is it generally eaten, raw, or should it be cooked? A large supermarket has opened near us, there is a rich selection of different vegetables and fruits. My daughter saw this miracle the other day, asked to buy it to try it, but when I came, everything had already been taken apart, so I didn't even have time to see how it looked. I looked in other stores - I did not find it, we will wait for a new delivery. Is it definitely a fruit or maybe some "imported" vegetable?

kumquat what is this fruit Today, no one will surprise anyone with pomelo, grapefruit or lime, but some "overseas" cultures still have little secrets. Lovers of citrus plants, who not only eat them with pleasure, but also grow them, know about such a plant as kumquat, what kind of fruit it is, how it is useful and even how to plant it. The mysterious name hides a close relative of tangerines and oranges. And above all, they have in common the taste characteristics and a lot of similarities in the appearance of the fruits themselves. Therefore, the kumquat is definitely a fruit, although in our homeland it can only be found on store shelves. What is it as a culture and where is it used?

Kumquat - what is this fruit


Kumquat belongs to the Rutaceae family and represents the genus of the same name, having many varietal varieties. Under natural conditions, it grows in the form of a spreading tree with a spherical crown or a branched shrub, the height of which reaches 5 m. The branches of the tree are covered with small thorns, and its leathery glossy leaves with a pointed tip are the same as those of a mandarin. In mid-spring, the plant is covered with fragrant white flowers, and by the end of autumn, fruits ripen in their place.

The culture has many other names: kinkan, fortunello, Japanese quince or orange, and even the Chinese apple.

kumquat fruitThe kumquat fruit is similar in shape to an orange, only very miniature and elongated, oval in shape. The diameter of the fruits does not exceed 5 cm, and the weight is a maximum of 30 g each. They grow in clusters of 3-4 pieces, on top they are covered with a fairly thick and dense skin. Depending on the variety, its color can be yellow, orange and even green. Under the skin is a pulp with a structure similar to citrus fruits. The kumquat has 5 lobules, not very large, each can have a seed or only a few. The pulp is sweet and sour, even more towards the sourness, almost like tangerine, and the fruit smells like lime.

It is noteworthy that, unlike other citrus fruits, the skin of the kumquat is edible. And even sweeter than the pulp itself, it only has an original bitter taste.

How is kumquat and where else is it used?

kumquat pieIf you manage to buy an exotic fruit, do not peel it, but cut it straight with the peel into slices and eat it, it is very tasty. You can also add it to other dishes, for example:

  • salads;
  • marinades for meat and fish;
  • cottage cheese and yogurt;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • make juice;
  • cook jam or jam;
  • preserve.

In addition, kumquat fruits are used in the manufacture of hair and skin care products. They help to get rid of age spots and freckles, make the skin velvety and improve hair growth.

indoor kumquatAnd what is most interesting, you can grow this healthy fruit yourself. Originally from the hot tropics, the kumquat does not grow here, but as a room culture it feels good, although it is a little capricious.Plant a seed from a purchased fruit and place a bush on a sunny window. Frequent watering and spraying will help provide the kumquat with its favorite high humidity. And to make the bush lush, prune every spring, pinching and shortening the shoots. And then you will have your own exotic, beautiful, tasty and healthy.

What is kumquat useful for and how is it eaten


