Is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia spotted at home - to believe or not to omens

Tell me, is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia spotted at home? They gave me a big and simply gorgeous adult bush for my birthday. I put it in the bedroom, on a stand by the window, but the mother-in-law said that the flower should be given to someone. He says that he is poisonous, and we have children, moreover, he has negative energy and provokes quarrels. Is it really so?

is it possible to keep dieffenbachia spotted at home The larger the leaves, the more spectacular indoor plants look and the more fans they have. Take the spotted Dieffenbachia, these majestic perennials that can be seen in offices and private homes. And if everything is clear with the first, then in the second case, many gardeners are often interested in whether it is possible to keep Dieffenbachia spotted at home. We spend most of the time at home, so it is important that the hearth is not only cozy, but also safe. And, as you know, the stems and leaves of this culture contain a poisonous juice that can harm all living organisms, both humans and animals.

Why spotted dieffenbachia? It's very simple - this is the most popular plant species that can often be found in flower shops. So, let's figure it out on the merits.

Pros and cons of the plant

dieffenbachia spotted

Dieffenbachia feels good in room conditions, especially in warmth, with good lighting and high humidity. Moreover, she herself is able to improve the microclimate at home. Large sheet plates increase humidity during the heating season. They also purify the air by acting as a vacuum cleaner for dust. And if the room has been renovated or there is new furniture, the flower will take the blow of folmadehydes.

The culture has another interesting ability - to predict rain by the appearance of droplets on the leaves.

At the same time, the people have many prejudices against Dieffenbachia. It is believed that the plant:

  • causes quarrels, feeding on negative energy;
  • braves men (both suitors and husbands) from the dwelling, for which he received the nickname "muzhegon";
  • contributes to the occurrence of infertility;
  • causes insomnia and migraines.

The listed properties, both negative and positive, apply not only to spotted dieffenbachia, but also to other varieties of the flower.

Is it possible to keep Dieffenbachia spotted at home

dieffenbachia in the officeSumming up, I would like to note that it is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question. On the one hand, the flower is really poisonous. It can pose a threat to small, unintelligent children and pets. However, there are also useful properties in it, in addition to the spectacular look.

In general, it is quite possible to grow this plant at home. But on condition that he will have the right habitat. If you do not put it in the bedroom, but set aside a study or living room for the bush, you can avoid insomnia, at the same time increasing efficiency. And so that children or a cat do not accidentally feast on beautiful leaves, the pot must be placed as high as possible. For example, on a high stand or on a cabinet.

Signs and superstitions associated with dieffenbachia - video


