Unpretentious beauty Astilba Burgundy Red

I bought astilba Burgundy Red, I want to plant it in the country next to the bushes that bloom with pink panicles. Tell me if Burgundy Red needs special care?

astilba in the flowerbed One of the most beautiful varieties photo of astilba is the Burgundy Red variety. It represents Arends' hybrid group and is widely used in both singles and group compositions due to its chic decorative look.

Description of the variety

astilba inflorescence

Astilba Burgundy Red is a compact, medium-sized shrub. On average, a perennial grows up to half a meter in height, although there are specimens that reach 70 cm.The plant branches well, and the bush grows wide enough (up to 40 cm), in the shape of a pyramid, which must be taken into account when planting in groups.

The leaves have a shape common to all astilbe: an openwork sheet plate with a carved edge. The beautiful decorative color of the deciduous mass remains throughout the season and draws attention to astilbe its rich green color with a glossy sheen.

In the middle of summer, the bush produces long stalks, on which small dark red flowers are located. There are so many of them that the peduncle looks like a lush panicle, while its height is half the height of the bush itself - from 20 to 30 cm. Flowering lasts more than a month, and when the panicles fade, the inflorescences are covered with light gray hair.

Advantages of the variety

Astilba Burgundy Red is one of the most unpretentious perennial species. Among the advantages of the variety, it is worth highlighting:

  • good resistance to diseases and pests;
  • high winter hardiness.

Red lush bushes grow well without pruning and do not need additional shelter for the winter.

Features of growing and care

young astilba

The decorative appearance is preserved provided planting astilba to a site with good, but diffused lighting. In direct sunlight illuminating the planting site all day, the color of the inflorescences can fade and they become pale. The flower grows actively in fertile soil with weak acidity, responds well to the introduction of manure.

Another important factor when growing a perennial is abundant and frequent watering, since astilbe is very moisture-loving. If possible, it is advisable to plant it near a reservoir, since the flower does not like dry air.

As for the transplant, it can be carried out at any stage of plant development, including during the flowering period. Astilba tolerates transplantation well. It should be borne in mind that in a year the bush grows by 5 cm, while new buds are formed at the top of the rhizome, so every autumn it is necessary to pour soil under it.

Growing astilbe - video


