Finding out why the leaves of the jasmine gardenia turn black and fall

Tell me why the leaves of the jasmine gardenia turn black and fall? This beauty was given to me by my husband for my birthday, he knew that I had dreamed of her for a long time. At first everything was fine, the bush grew many young twigs and even bloomed. But recently I went on a business trip for two weeks and upon arrival I discovered a sad picture. Almost all the leaves were half dark and dry, and the lower ones completely crumbled. The husband "gave water" to the gardenia and probably overdid it: there was almost a swamp in the pot. Maybe this is the reason and what to do now?

why do the leaves of the gardenia jasmine blacken and fall Despite the gorgeous appearance and beautiful flowering, not all growers undertake to grow a capricious gardenia. And their fear is completely justified, because the plant is distinguished by exaggerated requirements and extreme sensitivity. Most often, one of the problems is drying out and falling foliage. There may be several reasons why the leaves of the jasmine gardenia turn black and fall off. In most cases, this is the result of violations in the care or a change in the conditions for keeping the flower. However, do not forget that various insects are very fond of gardenia and sometimes it is they who cause such a phenomenon. There is no need to be upset, because the timely detection of the problem will help to accurately diagnose and take measures to save the bush.

Gardenia got its name because its flowers are absolutely the same as those of jasmine, moreover, they have a characteristic aroma for it. The plant itself is an evergreen shrub. Interestingly, this variety is the only one of its kind that is capable of growing at home.

Why do the leaves of the jasmine gardenia turn black and fall and what to do about it

fallen gardenia leaves

If your bush has withered and fallen several lower leaves - there is no reason for concern yet. Due to a natural process, the plant can periodically shed old foliage. But if this becomes widespread, and drying has spread even to the upper, young leaves, it is worth sounding the alarm.

The reason for leaf fall in gardenia can be:

  • sunburn;
  • a sharp drop in the temperature of the content;
  • excess or lack of moisture;
  • damage by pests.

What to do with a burned gardenia

gardenia sunburnLike any flowering culture, gardenia is demanding on lighting and will not tie buds in the shade. At the same time, keep in mind that direct rays are deadly for her. Delicate leaves darken before the eyes, becoming covered with dry spots, and fall off. There is no way to restore them, so make sure that the remaining foliage is not damaged.

Carefully remove the blackened leaves and move the pot to a darkened place.

What is the connection between the temperature in the room and leaf fall

gardenia content temperatureGardenia loves not only light, but also warmth. Although its relatives grow well outdoors in the fresh air, this variety needs stable positive values. The optimum temperature for keeping indoor gardenia should not fall below 18 ° C. Otherwise, blackening and fall of foliage is inevitable. Urgently move the bush to a warm room, where there should be no draft.

Improper watering as a cause of foliage falling

decay of gardeniaWith a lack of moisture, everything is clear: in overdried soil, gardenia simply begins to dry out. You can restore it by giving plenty of "drink", best of all through the pallet.Spraying the crown will not interfere, but moisture should not get on the buds, if any.

But if the flower is constantly flooded, the roots begin to suffer and rot. They can no longer provide the aboveground part with adequate nutrition. Gardenia can only be saved by a complete replacement of the soil, provided that not all the roots have rotted. Otherwise, there will be only a chance to cuttings.

What pests attack gardenia

spider mite on gardeniaThe spider mite loves the flower most of all. He bites through the leaf plate, drinks the juice and it dries up. It is almost impossible to see the insect without a magnifying glass, but the web on the back of the leaves "gives out" it. Remove them immediately, wash the bush with soapy water and treat with an insecticide, otherwise the tick will move to the rest of the indoor plants. Drugs such as Actellic, Akarin, Fitoverm.

How to please a capricious gardenia - video


