Reproduction of peperomia by a leaf - secrets and subtleties of the procedure

Tell me how the reproduction of peperomia by a leaf occurs. I have a wonderful small bush with beautiful leaves - hearts. Recently, he suffered a little from a cat: the animal touched the pot, he fell, and several leaves broke off. Will roots be able to form on them? Where is it better to put - first in the water or immediately put in the ground?

reproduction of peperomia by a leaf Perhaps there is no indoor plant more diverse in appearance than peperomia. It has many types and will delight with both smooth green and wrinkled reddish leaves and even a variegated plate. However, regardless of the variety, leaf propagation of peperomia is one of the most affordable ways to get a new plant. Seeds at home, it is almost never grown due to a long and painstaking process. But even a small leaf can give new life, if it is a pity or there is no way to take cuttings.

How to prepare planting material

leafy cuttings

An adult and necessarily healthy leaf is suitable for reproduction. It must be cut off with a sharp knife, trying to keep the cut point even. The leaf should have a petiole, at least short.

It is recommended to dry the cut sheet slightly, leaving it on paper overnight, but not on the window. It is advisable to sprinkle the cut site with finely-cut activated carbon. This will prevent decay.

It is best to start breeding in spring or summer. At this time, peperomia actively builds up the aerial part and sap flow occurs faster. This means that the mother bush will not suffer, and the new plant will form faster.

Reproduction of peperomia by a leaf - the subtleties of rooting

rooting in waterPeperomia takes root equally well both in water and in soil, provided that the latter meets the requirements of the plant. The only thing that can be noted is that only leaves with long petioles can be put into water, without completely immersing them in liquid. In the presence of a short "tail", it is better to root immediately in the ground.rooting in the ground

The substrate for growing young peperomia from a leaf should be light and moisture-absorbing. A mixture of sand and leafy earth is suitable. Ideal - use for building up sphagnum roots.

The rooting process itself is not particularly difficult:

  1. Pour the soil mixture into a small pot or glass and spill it with settled water.
  2. Stick a leaf into the ground so that the stalk is almost completely immersed in it. If it is short, you can plant the leaf deeper by sprinkling the bottom of the plate.
  3. Build a greenhouse by covering the pot with a jar or bag. You can do without it, but then the sprouts will not appear soon.
  4. Place the flowerpot on a window with diffused lighting.

leaf peperomiaThe sprouts will appear in about 3 to 4 weeks. Then young peperomias should be planted in separate containers, slightly larger in volume.

How to propagate peperomia with leaves - video


