Posts tagged "dates"

How many dates can you eat per day to benefit from sweet fruits
How many dates can you eat per day to benefit from sweet fruits
Tell me how many dates can you eat per day? I love dried fruits very much, but I have a special fondness for dates. Previously, they were always in my kitchen, but now they just don't ...
Date palm - home care, photo of adult beauties
Date palm - home care, photo of adult beauties
Tell us what the date palm loves, does home care (photo is desirable) have any features for it? I already got an adult plant as a keepsake from neighbors, ...
How to grow a date from a stone - the secrets of successful germination
How to grow a date from a stone - the secrets of successful germination
Tell me how to grow a date from a stone? My daughter wanted a date palm, went around all the flower shops, we don't have this anywhere. We read that you can plant a bone from a fresh fruit. ...
Date palm at home - the secrets of successful cultivation
Date palm at home - the secrets of successful cultivation
What kind of care does a date palm need at home? The plant was presented to me at work, brought it home and now I'm thinking where to put it. She needs a lot of light, or can she ...
Do-it-yourself tasty and healthy date sweets
Do-it-yourself tasty and healthy date sweets
Dates are the fruits of the date palm. They are called "berries of life" for a reason, they are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Date sweets are a great alternative to the usual sweets: ...
Date syrup: useful properties, method of application, calorie content
Date syrup: useful properties, method of application, calorie content
Date syrup is known in European, Arab, Asian countries. It is called silane in Israel, doshab in Armenia, pekmez in Turkey, sharab in Egypt and Pakistan. A healthy dessert is prepared ...
The benefits and harms of dates for the body of men and women
The benefits and harms of dates for the body of men and women
The benefits and harms of dates for their body have been known for a long time in the Middle East and North Africa. Over time, dates have gained popularity around the world as ...


