How to properly use Agrokiller from weeds in a summer cottage

agrokiller against weeds The Weed Control Agrokiller is an effective and safe broad spectrum herbicide designed to control weeds in vegetable gardens, orchards and agricultural fields. When used correctly, the drug does not pose any danger to the soil, future crops and the ecological environment. Agrokiller helps to take care of plantings of vegetable, ornamental crops and maintain a personal plot in perfect condition.

Composition and form of release of Agrokiller

Agrokiller's release forms

The main active ingredient in the herbicide is isopropylamine glyphosphate salt. When using Agrokiller, weeds are completely destroyed from the ground parts of the weed plant, as well as the root system, without causing any harm to fertile soil and cultivated plants.

The herbicide is available in cans of 40, 90, 500 ml, 1 l and 5 l. Small tanks are suitable for small backyards, 5 L cans are suitable for weed control in large agricultural fields.

The principle of action of the herbicide

how Agrokiller works against weedsWith strict adherence to the instructions for use, the Agrokiller herbicide is used for quick and effective control of various weeds, including perennial weeds in the personal plot.

Agrokiller is effective against weeds:

  • buttercup;
  • dandelion;
  • sow thistle;
  • wheatgrass;
  • nettle;
  • sagebrush;
  • horse sorrel;
  • succession;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • hogweed.

When spraying, Agrokiller's active substances quickly penetrate the green parts of the plant, spreading to the rhizome. Glyphosphate disrupts the synthesis of amino acids, slows down plant growth, causing rapid death of the rhizome and the entire weed.

6-8 days after the treatment, you can notice the first manifestations of the death of weeds - they begin to turn yellow, wither. After 10-15 days, pest plants completely die off along with the roots - that is why new weeds no longer grow in their place.

Agrokiller is intended for caring for vegetable gardens and agricultural fields, destroying thickets along buildings or in abandoned areas, clearing territories for the subsequent laying out of lawns, places for beds or flower beds.

Advantages and disadvantages of Agrokiller

advantages and disadvantages of the drugThe herbicide is fast acting - it destroys weeds after the first treatment.

Agrokiller has several advantages over other drugs:

  • the high concentration of the active substance ensures the rapid destruction of perennial weeds that are difficult to remove;
  • the drug does not harm the seeds, it only affects the stems and foliage, so it can be used immediately after sowing;
  • the death of the root system and the death of a weed plant occurs within 6-8 days after processing the garden or vegetable garden;
  • sudden changes in air temperature do not affect the effectiveness of the herbicide, so it can be used both in early spring and in summer.

area before and after processing by an agrokillerThe active substances contained in Agrokiller do not harm the soil, do not reduce its yield, and also do not harm the future harvest. After hitting the surface of the soil, the herbicide breaks down into individual components that do not degrade the composition of the soil. Cultivated plants on the site can be planted as early as 14 days after spraying with Agrokiller.

Agrokiller also has several disadvantages.These include the long waiting time for weeds to die (up to 15-20 days), as well as the need to use an open bottle of herbicide for 24 hours.

Agrokiller from weeds: instructions for use

agrokiller against weedsThe Agrokiller weed treatment is best done 10-13 days before sowing the seeds. This is quite enough for the herbicide to destroy most of the weeds on the site by the time of planting.

Instructions for use and dosage of Agrokiller depends on the type of weed:

  1. Young plants - to prepare a working solution, dilute 70-90 ml of Agrokiller in 6 liters of water.
  2. Difficult to remove perennial weeds - the dosage of the herbicide should be increased to 110-120 ml per 6 liters of water.

The agent is used for spraying immediately after preparation; during storage it loses its quality. 6 liters of working solution is designed for 200 sq. m. plot. Only the green parts of the weeds need to be sprayed and be careful not to get the herbicide on the vegetable crops. For additional protection, the beds can be covered with plastic wrap while spraying and then removed.

It is best to process the garden plot in dry, cloudy weather, in the early morning or late evening. When exposed to direct sunlight, the drug evaporates quickly, so the treatment will not bring any results.

Agrokiller begins to actively act only 4-5 hours after spraying the plants. Therefore, if after processing the garden or vegetable garden it started to rain, it must be repeated. After spraying, weeding and loosening of the soil are prohibited, as this will slow down the action of the herbicide.

Security measures

safety measures must be observedAgrokiller's solution must be used immediately after preparation, otherwise it loses its properties. The vial with the drug after opening remains usable for no more than 24 hours, after which it must be disposed of. That is why the manufacturer offers Agrokiller bottles with different dosages.

Weed control must be carried out in compliance with all safety measures - using a respirator, protective gloves and goggles. Do not smoke, eat or drink when spraying the beds with herbicide. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash all exposed areas of the body with soap or take a shower.

Agrokiller is an effective herbicide that kills most of the known weeds and is environmentally friendly. This drug helps to maintain beds and a personal plot in perfect condition and relieves gardeners from the need to regularly weed the beds.

Herbicide Agrokiller against weeds - video


