Peanuts in the diet of nursing mothers: is it possible or not

Can you tell me if peanuts can be used while breastfeeding? I used to crunch fried nuts a lot, but now I have to be careful when choosing my diet. I heard that peanuts can cause severe allergies in babies. Maybe you shouldn't resume old habits until the child switches to self-feeding?

peanuts when feeding Everyone knows the benefits of delicious peanut kernels, but at the same time there are some restrictions on its use. So what's more in peanuts and is this product capable of causing harm to the body? This question is of particular interest to women during lactation, because they really want the baby to get all the best. Let's figure out in which cases peanuts are absolutely contraindicated for breastfeeding, and when they are able to support the body of a nursing mother during this crucial period.

Read also the article:peanut butter - benefits and harms!

Definitely - no!allergy symptoms

Peanuts are at the top of the list of foods that cause allergic reactions, while the consequences of taking them if you are prone to allergies can be the most serious. If any of the parents, as well as the closest relatives of the child, have been noticed intolerance to peanuts, its use by a nursing mother is strictly prohibited. However, even if none of the adults had allergies, peanuts should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother carefully, carefully observing the child. It is better to limit the first intake to one nut no more than two hours before feeding, while you need to observe the baby throughout the day - it is during this time that a positive reaction to the presence of allergies is possible.

Peanuts must be calcined and peeled before eating, thus minimizing allergens (in this case, raw beans and red hulls).

Signs that the peanuts did not fit the baby are:

  • redness of the skin, mainly spots;
  • a rash on the body, especially on the cheeks;
  • increased flatulence and colic;
  • constipation or, conversely, stool disorder.

Attention: in severe cases of allergy, the child may develop anaphylactic shock!

What are the benefits of peanuts for nursing mothers?peanut

If within 24 hours after the "peanut test" no changes have occurred in the baby's body (neither external nor internal), the mother can slowly include peanuts in her daily menu, because its rich composition can be of great benefit to both the mother and the child through her milk. First of all, vitamins and trace elements contained in peanuts will help the formation of a child's body, and milk itself will become more high-calorie.

You should not abuse peanuts, as they can cause weight gain, including for a child.

For women themselves during lactation, fried beans are very useful, as they help them recover from childbirth, namely:

  • strengthen blood vessels, preventing varicose veins;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • help fight postpartum anemia;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, thanks to which the nursing mother always remains calm.

As you can see, in the absence of allergy to peanuts, its use is very beneficial for both the mother and the child, but in each individual case, it is worth considering the specific circumstances and carefully observing your child.

Video about nutrition of a nursing mother: what you can and cannot eat


