
Russian eco products plan to take over the world market
Russian "eco" products are planning to capture the world market
It has long been known that the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle is very popular abroad. In this regard, there is a great need for "eco" and "bio" products. Our country, knowing ...
Drug lords in garden plots
Drug lords in garden plots
Did you know that some of the plants on your property are “illegal”? And for their breeding, you can lose not only money, but even freedom. Prohibited Plants Consider ...
I wanted a dacha on the river bank - prepare a wallet
I wanted a dacha on the river bank - prepare a wallet
Recently, more and more city dwellers dream of getting out of the daily hustle and bustle and going out into nature. Many people combine a pleasant business with a useful one - they are building a dacha closer to ...
Honey apocalypse. The summer resident is responsible
Honey apocalypse. The summer resident is responsible
Bee mortality! In Russia, a tendency for an increase in the death of these insects has been recorded. Beekeepers are in a panic! They are taking all possible measures to prevent this disaster. This problem will affect summer residents. ...
The most malicious violators of the law were identified - they turned out to be ... summer residents
The most malicious violators of the law were identified - they turned out to be ... summer residents
Every unregistered building is subject to accounting today. Everything that Russian summer residents erected on their sites will now be tracked down and recorded by a UAV or drone. What else to expect for the owner of 6 acres ...


