Black carrots - what is it and what are its features

When I was buying seeds for planting, I came across a black carrot. What is it and will the roots really be black? Sowed seeds for interest, just one bed to see what the plant is. What is the difference between black carrots and ordinary, orange ones?

black carrot what is it Plump little kids or long icicles - such a carrot most often grows in our beds. In most cases it is orange in color, sometimes yellow or black fruits can be found. It is about the latter that we will talk about today: black carrots, what are they? Many gardeners deliberately pass by when they see a bag with an unusual photo on the counter. And completely in vain, because the original fruits are no worse in taste. And they also have a lot of useful properties.

Black carrots - what is it

what does scorzonera look like

In fact, this is the popular name of the perennial plant scorzonera, which belongs to the Aster family. Its fruits are edible root vegetables in the shape of ordinary orange carrots, only black. This gave the culture such a name. It is also called the Spanish goat. By the way, it is in this country that scorzonera has long been used for medicinal purposes, especially for snake bites.

Black carrots grow most often as a herbaceous bush, the height of which depends on the particular variety. On average, it is 30 cm, but there are real giants over 70 cm tall. Some varieties are even more like a shrub. Ovate or lanceolate dark green leaves form a dense rosette. At the end of spring, large inflorescences rise above it. And by the fall, juicy cylindrical fruits ripen in the ground. They are black on top, but inside is a delicious white core. It is juicy, crisp, with a slightly bitter aftertaste, but moderately sweet. Each carrot weighs about 200 g and is 15 to 30 cm long.

Features of agricultural cultivation

scorpion bushScorzonera often grows like a weed in natural conditions. It was her unpretentiousness that made it possible to “tame” the culture. With minimal maintenance, good yields can be obtained. Black carrots will grow where most garden crops do not survive. But the most delicious fruits will be in the area where there used to be tomatoes, cucumbers or onions. And also after the introduction of mineral fertilizers and ash.

Another advantage of the plant is that the seeds can be sown almost all year round:

  1. Scorchonera planted in spring will harvest this fall.
  2. Summer and autumn planting will shift the collection of root crops to the next season. But from such plants it will already be possible to collect both fruits and seeds.

Black carrots only bloom if grown as a biennial.

Scorzonera can be eaten fresh, as well as used to prepare any dishes. It is also a source of many vitamins and microminerals. Black fruits improve vision, reduce blood pressure and are generally well absorbed by the body.

Features of black carrot or black root - scorzonera

  1. Anastasia

    Scorzonera and black carrots are two different plants. They are not the same thing. In the last photo it can be seen: on the left there is a black carrot, and on the right there is a scorchonera.

    • Olga

      You are absolutely right, scientifically, they are two completely different cultures.But scorzonera is also popularly called "black carrots" and is even better known by this name, because their cultivation technology is very similar. Actually, this is exactly what is meant in the article, and we are talking about scorzonera, and not about a variety of dark-colored carrots. Regarding the photo, you are also right, there were mistakes in the article, the scorzonera does not have such leaves. I apologize and correct immediately, including the video.


