What can be planted under agrofibre - the advantages and methods of using the material

Tell me what can be planted under agrofibre? The wife has long asked to cover her strawberry beds in order to transplant it from the garden. She has already spread all over the garden and found herself under the trees, it ripens badly, there is not enough light. And with my wife and my health it is no longer something to stand with a hoe all summer, so we decided to plant everything that was possible on fiber. Let's get rid of the weeds. Will all cultures grow there?

what can be planted under agrofibre Late spring, return frosts, dry summers and weeds are not a problem at all if you use agrofibre on the site. Moreover, it does not matter at all what can be planted under agrofibre. This material greatly facilitates the work of not only gardeners, but also gardeners with flower growers. It allows you to preserve precious moisture in the soil, as well as warms it up and speeds up the harvest time. And the fiber also serves as an excellent protection against low temperatures. Due to the fact that it has a breathable structure, fiber can be used as a shelter for any plant. But for a start, it does not hurt to know what it happens, because the use directly depends on the type of material.

Where and how agrofibre is used, depending on its type

There are two materials on the market that can be easily distinguished by color:

  1. Black. It is used directly for mulching the soil that is covered with it. Plants are planted in the holes made. Crops growing on black agrofibre do not need weeding. The aisles remain closed and the weeds have no chance of germinating. It also retains moisture in the soil, and the fruits and berries remain clean. And one of the most important benefits is getting an early harvest. The ground underneath it warms up faster.eggplant on black agrofibre
  2. White. It is used to create favorable growing conditions, protects against frost, pests, waterlogging. At the same time, it has a transparent structure and transmits light. Fits on top of the landing.salad with white agrofibre

In other words, the principle is simple: the plants are grown over black agrofibre, planting them on top. Or under white agrofibre, covering the beds with it.

What can be planted under agrofibre

Any plants grow well on black material. They mulch the beds under strawberries, potatoes and other garden crops. It is also suitable for growing flowers, berry bushes and compact trees.

use of agrofibre of both typesAny plants can also be planted under the white fiber. Depending on the density of the material, they cover plantings either simply on the garden bed, or using arcs. It turns out an impromptu mini - greenhouse, especially if the agrofibre is of high density.

The best option is the simultaneous use of both types. The beds are covered with black material. The plants are then protected by pulling on the white fiber.

Advantages and disadvantages of agrofiber - video


