Vanka flower wet - home care for balsam

It would be interesting to know how long Vanka's flower blooms is wet, is it difficult to care for him at home? I bought a young bush on sale, small, but already with buds. And now he lives with me for almost two months, and the flowering continues. And I just water it, I haven't fertilized it even once. What does this plant love?

flower vanka wet care Many plant lovers have a Vanka wet flower, which is extremely simple to care for at home. These compact bushes feel like masters in the house. And when over the lush leaf cap, numerous buds begin to bloom incessantly - and even kings. Indeed, the bush densely covered with bright flowers looks very impressive. Moreover, its flowering sometimes lasts up to six months, and few indoor plants can boast of this. It is easy to extend this wonderful period by simply giving him what he loves.

Roly flower wet - home care


The plant is called wet for its love of moisture and the ability to "cry". When a lot of water collects in the tissues, its excess begins to protrude at the tips of the leaves, like tears. Why he is Vanka is already unknown. Maybe just for the reason that the plant was as popular as this Russian name. In science, it is known as balsam.

There is another version of "sputum" based on the observations of flower growers. They claim that this is how the flower feels the rain and warns about it with its "cry".

Conditions of detention

white balsamOriginally from the subtropics, balsam loves warmth. But it especially needs it during the period of active growth and flowering. In winter, he needs coolness so that the bush can rest and prepare for the next violent flowering. At the same time, it is important not to allow hypothermia, otherwise the plant will get sick and disappear. However, some annual species can tolerate lower temperatures and grow in the garden.

Do not forget that balsam is more comfortable in a humid environment. At temperatures above 22 ° C heat, it needs additional air humidification. The bush tolerates lower rates easily without this procedure.

And for active growth and abundant flowering, wet Vanka should be well lit. Its leaves and twigs reach out to the sun and turn behind it, like the caps of a sunflower. Therefore, it is also advisable to "twist" the pot every 7-10 days. But it is better for the light to be diffused.

Care features

flower vanka wet care seasonalCaring for a wet Vanka is easy, you just need to take into account his needs and seasonality:

  1. In summer, water often and abundantly and spray in the heat. In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil 2 times a week.
  2. In the spring, give a nitrogen supplement to help grow the crown quickly. In the summer, make weekly liquid mineral fertilizer when watering. This will help prolong flowering and increase the number of buds.
  3. Transplant into fresh, loose and nutritious soil every spring.
  4. To prevent adult balsams from stretching, regularly pinch the tops of the shoots.

That's all the care of a blooming handsome man. And it is very easy to propagate it by rooting the shoots left after pruning. They grow roots quickly.

Proper care of balsam is the key to abundant flowering


