Magic root with 9 powers - elecampane, useful properties and contraindications

Tell us what diseases elecampane is used for, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this herb. I only know that elecampane broth relieves swelling well - this summer I had a chance to try it on myself. My legs were so swollen that I could only wear flip flops two sizes larger. Then our grandmother brought me her decoction from the roots and after two weeks I completely forgot about this problem. She says that before with elecampane in general, all diseases were treated. Is it true?

elecampane useful properties and contraindications Rarely what herbs that are used for treatment in traditional medicine manage to achieve recognition at the official level. However, this plant has long been widely used in modern pharmaceuticals. Meet - elecampane, useful properties and contraindications of this miracle of nature were known to the ancient Greeks. They have not lost their relevance now. Moreover, science appreciated the high efficiency of elecampane and began to use it for the benefit of man. So, Alanton (tablets for ulcers), Alatolactone (taken with ascariasis) are made from elecampane. But not only these problems can be solved by medicinal herb.

Elecampane - useful properties and contraindications

composition and use of elecampane

Elecampane belongs to the Aster family and grows mainly in meadows, steppes and forest-steppes. It is a branched bush, the height of which can exceed 2 m, with whole leaves, located mainly in the root part. In the second half of summer, yellow flowers bloom on it. But herbalists are not "hunting" for them, but for roots, and only from plants older than 2 years. The younger elecampane has not yet managed to accumulate enough nutrients.

Of the most valuable components of the chemical composition of the plant, it is worth highlighting inulin and essential oil. The first is important for the stomach and pancreas, and the second is for fighting various inflammations and more.

What effect does elecampane have on the body

elecampane brothOintments, decoctions, juice, infusions and tinctures are made from the rhizome of the plant, which:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove worms, roundworms and tapeworms;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • hold the chair together;
  • improve sputum discharge;
  • have a diuretic effect and relieve swelling;
  • lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen blood vessels and heart;
  • treat skin and stomach diseases;
  • strengthen and tone the body.

Elecampane is indicated for ulcers, gastritis, joint diseases, cholecystitis. It is effective for female diseases (cystitis, painful menstruation). And men will be cured of infertility and prostatitis.

In what cases it is not recommended to take elecampane

elecampane useful properties and contraindications for useDuring treatment with infusions or decoctions, it is important to accurately observe the dosage. If it is exceeded, nausea and vomiting appear, problems with stool, insomnia begins to torment.

Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract are inherent in the first days of treatment, but usually on the third day they disappear.

In some cases, there may be an allergy to the components of the herb, then it cannot be taken. Also banned is elecampane for pregnant women, lactating women and children under the age of 3 years. In addition, treatment is contraindicated in the presence of kidney pathology, since the diuretic herb increases the load on the organs. And given the laxative effect of elecampane, it is not recommended for chronic weakening of the rectal tone.

Grass elecampane - what's the big deal


