Hedge design

hedge design A hedge is a great way to decorate your property. Many landscape designers use decorative shrubs for planting hedges. The role of columns in a hedge is mainly performed by thuja.

By combining thuja and shrubs, you can create a unique design for your hedge. For the formation of a small fence, undersized vesicles are perfect. There are more than 200 varieties of this shrub. There are bladders with yellow, burgundy and green leaves.

Purchase plants only from nurseries. At the market or fair, you may be sold low-quality seedlings with a poorly formed root system, which will not take root on the site.

The distance between ornamental shrubs should be from 0.5 m to 1 m for tight planting and from 1 m to 1.5 m for loose planting. Tui are planted at a distance of more than 3 m with a tight planting and up to 5 m with a rarefied one.

Plant alternation

The main principle of the formation of a hedge is the alternation of plants. For hedges, three types of seedlings are usually used:

  • trees;
  • decorative shrubs;
  • flowers for arranging flower beds near the hedge.

Even if the hedge consists only of thuja, several varieties are planted in order to increase the decorative effect of the green wall.

Use several varieties of bladderworm. This will diversify the hedge. In order to decorate the fence, you can plant shade-tolerant flowers next to it. If you use flowering shrubs when arranging a green wall, you can do without flower beds.

Seedlings with a closed root system will help to think over the design of a hedge. They are sold in pots, allowing you to arrange your plants in a different order.

Before planting the hedge, water the seedlings, prepare the planting hole and keep the distance between the plants.

Correct planting of seedlings

When transporting plants to the planting site, do not take the seedlings by the top, because there is a risk of damaging them. Take the seedlings from below by the container. Quality seedlings are sold in mesh bags that do not interfere with the development of roots. Such plants can not be pulled out of the containers, but planted in the planting pit right in the bag.

Shrubs are planted at an angle of 45ABOUT, and trees must be planted without deepening the root collar. After planting, the plants are well watered and complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil.


