Unpretentious ficus Natasha - home care, photo

Tell us about Natasha ficus, home care, photo of an adult plant. It is interesting to know how tall and large it can grow. I bought a bush at a sale, gave the last ficus at a discount, and besides, it was very small. My purchase has been worth a couple of months now and no changes. Well, although it does not disappear, new branches and leaves do not appear either. Am I doing something wrong or the place is not right for him?

Evergreens are especially popular for their decorative appearance all year round. And if they also have an unpretentious character, then this is only in the hands of flower growers. Ficus Natasha fully meets these requirements, care at home (the photo will be in the article) for which is simple and not complicated. The main thing is to provide the flower with comfort, lighting and warmth, as well as to protect it from drafts. In the future, it will only be necessary to periodically look at the green pet and monitor the humidity. And in just a couple of years, you can grow a small miniature of a real tree.

Characteristic features of the plant

ficus natasha

The variety called Natasha ficus represents one of the varieties of Benjamin's ficus. And, perhaps, this is the most unpretentious species, maximally adapted to indoor growing. And all thanks to the non-capricious nature of the plant. But the most important thing is its amazing malleability to formation. With the help of pruning, pinching and other methods, the ficus can be given any shape. Several plants look especially original in one pot. Their trunks are intertwined, turning into one "braid" - a common trunk.weaving the stem of the ficus

The ficus shoots are flexible, but strong, because with age they become lignified and covered with a grayish bark. The twigs branch well and form a lush and dense crown. Natalie's ficus is decorated with beautiful wavy leaves. They have an elongated shape and a pointed tip, while the leaf plate is leathery, dense, covered with a glossy sheen. Ficuses with dark green foliage are most often found. But there are also species in which the leaves are light, or spotted.

Under natural conditions, the ficus grows to a height of more than 25 m. But as a houseplant, its growth is easy to regulate by pruning. The height of the bush can be controlled to create either a compact lush ball or shaped like a tree. Usually they are limited to a height of about 1 m, which is "comfortable" for the house.

Ficus Natasha - home care, photo

how to care for Natasha ficusThe plant loves warmth and light, while the lighting should be diffused. It is optimal to put the pot on the southeast windowsill, but so that there is no radiator nearby. The hot air from it will dry the tips of the leaves for the ficus. A shade is also not suitable, as is a cold room and a place in a draft. The minimum temperature in the room where the bush will be located should not fall below 15-18 ° C heat.

The place for the ficus should be chosen immediately, because he does not like permutations.

Natasha ficus grows slowly, however, like all types of this culture. In order for its development to occur correctly, the flower needs such care:

  1. Frequent watering, but not before the topsoil dries out. Do not allow complete drying out, otherwise the bush will drop foliage. But it is also impossible to fill it in so that the roots do not rot.
  2. Top dressing no more than twice a month from spring to late summer. It is better to use liquid, complex fertilizers.
  3. Cropping with purpose crown formation or pinching the tops. After such procedures, the bush begins to actively branch.
  4. Transplant young bushes every spring and every 3 years for adults.

The easiest way to propagate the ficus is cuttings that remain after pruning the bush. After rooting in a container of water, they are planted in pots.

Ficus transplant Natasha


