Delicate flower ifeion - outdoor cultivation

Tell me what kind of flower Ifeion is, is it possible to grow it in the open field if I live in the central strip? My sister came to visit and brought me the bulbs, now I think where to plant them, in a pot or in a garden. She lives in the south, they have almost no winter there, it's warm, and this plant lives in the garden. And we have severe frosts, I even somehow lost the prickly pear. Will ifeion grow?

ifeion outdoor cultivation This flower strangely combines the sharp garlic scent of the leaves and the delicate sweet scent of flowers. It is a pity that only in the southern latitudes do gardeners know about the ifeion, which can be grown in open ground only in warm climates. Native to tropical America, this plant simply doesn't survive in the garden in the Russian winter. The maximum minus values ​​that the ifeion can bear is 10 ° C of frost. But if your winters are warm, be sure to plant it. Compact bushes will not take up much space, but in the spring they will create a chic border of bright flowers.

Ifeion - outdoor cultivation


Ifeion belongs to the lily family. Its flowers are really very similar in shape to flowers daylilies, only they are smaller. Under natural conditions and in the south, the plant grows like a perennial. In cold climates, it is planted every year or grown in pots indoors.

The height of the bushes does not exceed 30 cm, and there are also varieties of crumbs up to 15 cm in height. The leaves are long, broadly linear, almost like a hyacinth, only of an interesting bluish color. If you rub the leaf, it smells like garlic arrows. Numerous peduncles with single flowers grow from the middle of the leaf rosette. They have the correct shape, symmetrical petals and a diameter of no more than 3 cm. The color depends on the variety, but it is mainly blue, purple and white. Flowers smell sweet, bloom in April, flowering continues for 1.5 months.

How and when to plant bulbs

when to plant ifeionIfeion's root system is presented in the form of ovoid bulbs. From above, they are covered with a membranous membrane. The bulbs are planted in open ground in early autumn or early spring, leaving a distance of at least 8 cm between them. At the same time, they cannot be deeply buried in the soil, a maximum of 6 cm. The bulbs are small and then they will germinate for a long time and will not bloom.

Ifeion must be planted in a well-lit place, in light soil. And, like all bulbous crops, he does not like waterlogging.

Ifeion - outdoor cultivation and plant care in the garden

how to care for ifaeon in the gardenCaring for original bulbous bushes is simple:

  • if there is no rain in the spring and there was little snow in the winter, they are watered, but if the winter was rich in precipitation, then you don't need to water;
  • during the period of active growth, the bushes are fed with a mineral complex, at least twice;
  • every three years, overgrown bushes are dug up, divided and planted.

After the end of flowering, the aerial part of the ifaeon dies off. For the winter, they are well mulched, and before frost they are covered with non-woven material.

How to feed ifeion in spring - fertilizers for bulbous


