How to deal with the bark beetle in the trees: saving the garden from death

Tell me how to deal with the bark beetle in the trees? We are already completely exhausted, in a couple of years we have lost several apple trees. We have a large garden, we always try to keep it well-groomed, and these beetles don't know where they came from. Most likely, they came from a neighboring site - no one has lived there for a long time and everything is abandoned. How to get rid of this scourge and save the remaining trees?

how to deal with bark beetle in trees The bark beetle is a real disaster for everything made of wood. He does not disdain even old wooden buildings, to say nothing of the fragrant fresh bark of an apple or pear. If you want your garden to bear fruit for many years, it is important to know how to deal with bark beetles in trees. These small beetles literally "smell" where fruit crops grow. They equip their dwellings in trees and feed on wood, destroying the garden. Due to the large number of laid larvae, which also eat the tree, it is very difficult to get rid of the pest. If you miss the moment when the beetle just appeared, you can even lose the battle in the future. But finding the bark beetle in time, there is a good chance to save the garden.

Among gardeners, the bark beetle is known as shashel or woodworm. It is also called the apple beetle or swamp.

What does the bark beetle look like and how to understand that it has already settled in the garden

bark beetle

At first glance, this is a completely safe and even beautiful little brown-black beetle. However, once on a tree, females begin to gnaw through the passages in which they lay eggs. Both adults and hatched larvae feed on the tree itself, its wood and sap. The larvae further widen the holes made by the parent, obtaining food. In addition, their waste products contain fungal spores that infect the tree. It cannot withstand such a double attack and disappears. And young bark beetles move to neighboring trees and everything is repeated.

In total, at least 3 generations of pests are born during the season. Without the timely intervention of the gardener, the garden dies. And if weakened crops are the first to be attacked by bark beetles, then later they move to healthy trees. Beetles do not disdain even "dead" wood. For a couple of years, they "eat" a shed or a house, if the boards were not treated with special means.

signs of a bark beetle on a treeYou can find a bark beetle in the garden by the following signs:

  • there is sawdust under the tree (if they are brown, the beetle has just begun to dominate, if white, it has already reached the core of the trunk);
  • holes of a round or oval shape are visible in the bark;
  • if you remove the bark, you can see a whole maze of passages on the trunk itself;
  • a woodpecker often works on the tree: he has already begun to fight the pest, removing the larvae.

How to deal with bark beetle on trees with folk remedies

bark beetle trapUntil the beetles have time to scatter all over the garden, you can try to do without chemistry. For this:

  1. Collect them by hand.
  2. Treat the affected areas on the tree with chlorophos.
  3. Lubricate the trunks with clay or oil paint.
  4. Place special pheromone traps or cut branches around the garden. Be sure to burn the latter when the beetles settle there.

"Heavy artillery" for the war against the bark beetle: chemicals

If you missed the appearance of beetles, and the next generation has already appeared, increasing their number, it is better to use proven insecticides. Such preparations cope well with the bark beetle and protect the garden:

  • BI-58;bi 58
  • Confidor Extra;confidor extra
  • Senezh-Insa;senezh insa
  • Clipper;clipper
  • Vitalizer NV-101.vitalizer

These drugs destroy the pest and act for a certain time after treatment.

How to get rid of bark beetle on an apple tree using an insecticide - video


