How to cook chestnuts in the microwave - fast, simple, delicious

Please tell us how to cook chestnuts in the microwave. I tried this delicacy only a few times, and even then far from home. It used to be difficult to find edible fruits here, but recently I saw them in a local supermarket. The seller said that in the microwave, chestnuts are just as tasty as in the oven, only faster. How long should you set the timer?

how to cook chestnuts in the microwave Roasted chestnuts are a great idea for a hearty snack. And knowing how to cook chestnuts in the microwave, you can get a delicious dish in minutes. Sweet chestnuts with a pleasant delicate aroma will satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmets. If you have time, you can also use a conventional oven. But when every minute is important, the irreplaceable assistant of every modern housewife - the microwave will come to the rescue. She will quickly fry the chestnuts, and in a quarter of an hour, delicious fruits will flaunt on the platter.

Do not forget that only special ones are used for culinary purposes, edible, varieties. The chestnuts gathered under the trees in the city park are not suitable for this. But such species as crenate chestnut, the softest Chinese or European-sown chestnut will delight you with delicious nuts.

How to cook chestnuts in the microwave - a step by step recipe

preparation of chestnuts

So, having acquired brown fruits, wash them well and dry them. Then use a little trick: make a cross-cut on each chestnut. You can arbitrarily, but it is better from the side of the tail, so that it is easier to clean. If you put fruits with a whole peel, they will burst under the influence of high temperature. The reason for this is the high liquid content. We'll have to wash the equipment, and almost nothing will remain of the cores themselves.

chestnutsThe further preparation procedure is simple:

  1. Place the fruits in a sufficiently deep glass container or other microwave safe container.
  2. Pour in a little water so that about ¼ of the nuts is in the liquid.
  3. Put the container in the microwave without covering.
  4. Set a timer for 5 minutes (power - at least 800 W).

After the specified time has elapsed, let the fruit cool slightly and remove the skin. That's the whole secret of fast cooking chestnuts.

You need to eat roasted chestnuts warm without waiting for them to cool down. Cold nuts lose their softness and become tough.

Calorie content of roasted chestnuts

roasted chestnutsAnd one more thing: do not overuse the delicacy, and there is no point in cooking too much. Chestnuts are very satisfying, because only 100 g of nuts contains almost 380 kcal. There are a lot of fats (34 g) and proteins (10), and carbohydrates as much as 7 g. So fried chestnuts may well replace breakfast.

Microwave-fried chestnuts - video


