How to make banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants?

I do some flower cultivation. At the same time, I try to use folk methods to fertilize them. Recently I heard that flowers respond well to top dressing containing banana skins. Tell me how to make banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants?

For active growth, all plants need regular feeding. A good substitute for store-bought preparations is a product made on the basis of banana peel. Banana contains many nutrients that improve plant growth and health. The presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium makes the peel an excellent fertilizer, the advantage of which is that it can be easily and inexpensively prepared at home.

banana peel

Banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants can be made as:

  • dry powder;
  • infusion;
  • compost;
  • or by digging fresh skins into the soil.

To use the peel as a fertilizer, wash the banana thoroughly before peeling, and then remove the remaining pulp from the peel.

Dry Banana Peel Powder

drying bananas

Dry the banana peel well: cut it into pieces and spread it out on a light windowsill or on a radiator, spreading a newspaper on it. You need to lay out the peel so that the inside is on top. You can also roast the peel a little in the oven.

Grind the finished dry skins in a coffee grinder or mortar to a powder and store in a glass jar under a lid.

peel powder

During the flowering period of indoor plants, the powder is scattered over the surface of the earth in a pot, after which the flower is watered. One pot is made 1-2 tsp. (depending on the volume of the pot) once a month. Dry peel is also added to the substrate when transplanting flowers - 1 tsp for one pot.

Banana infusion

banana infusion

The infusion is made using fresh banana peels. Put three banana skins in a three-liter bottle and pour warm water. Let it brew for 2 days. Water the flowers, diluting the infusion with water, in a 1: 1 ratio. This will help get rid of the aphids. It is recommended to water seedlings with the same solution.

The finished infusion is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Banana compost for bulbous plants


To prepare fatty compost, you will need a lot of skins and the Baikal preparation. Grind the skins, mix with the earth and pour the indicated preparation. Leave for one month to decompose. After the specified time, repeat the procedure, adding more peel.

Ready-made fertilizer from fresh peel

fresh peel in a pot

Finely chopped fresh banana skins are placed in a pot when planting or transplanting indoor plants. However, it is worth considering that such soil is prepared 2-3 weeks before planting the flower, since the peel should completely decompose. To speed up the process, you can water the prepared soil with an infusion containing organic matter. Such dressings contribute to the active growth of deciduous mass.

Banana peels can be frozen in the freezer and further used in the same way as fresh.

Banana peel fertilizer - video

  1. Anton

    at the beginning of the summer of 2016, he poured the euphorbia with banana skin, over the summer it grew in more than 5 years. in addition, the flower changed the color of the leaves and stepsons began to grow, and this year a new flower is growing at the base of a young

  2. Anton

    I forgot to mention that I watered all the flowers in the apartment, only the spurge responded

    • Natali

      Not all indoor plants respond to watering with banana peel infusion. A more versatile top dressing will be iodine solution (2 drops per 1 liter of water). Spend once a month.


