How to grow Gaillardia from seeds - two sowing methods

Please tell us how to grow Gaillardia from seeds. For several years now I have been visiting my friend and always admire these wonderful flowers. They grow at her neighbor, who turned out to be the kindest woman and gladly poured me a handful of seeds. But, hurrying to leave, I forgot to ask when and how it is better to sow them. Do I need to grow seedlings or can they be directly in the garden? I don't really like to mess with pots, and there is no free space for them in the apartment.

how to grow Gaillardia from seeds Lush clumps of Gaillardia, crowned with orange-red daisies, look impressive, but this is not all of its advantages. It is absolutely unpretentious in care, it is not afraid of either drought or frost, and most often reproduces by seeds. There are no special subtleties in how to grow Gaillardia from seeds. The planting material is distinguished by good germination, and during the season whole thickets of unusual daisies will appear on your flower bed. Do you know what is remarkable? It is enough to sow flowers once, and then the bushes multiply themselves. They not only grow in breadth, but are also sown by self-seeding, occupying an ever larger area over time.

How to grow Gaillardia from seeds - planting methods

Gaillardia bush

Gaillardia is an interesting member of the Aster family. Straight branchy stems form a dense curtain, oval leaves are decorated with a jagged edge. The bush can reach a height of 90 cm. It blooms all summer and until frost, releasing long peduncles with single inflorescences - baskets, simple or double. The color is dominated by yellow, orange and red tones.

Growing flowers is simple and not difficult. If there is a desire and want to see flowering as soon as possible, the seeds can be planted on seedlings. Although Gaillardia also grows well when sown in open ground. Only the landing dates will differ depending on the chosen method.

When to sow Gaillardia seedlings

Gaillardia seedlingsYou can start sowing in the first decade of March. The technology is similar to growing seedlings of other flowers:

  1. Pour light soil into a shallow container, universal is suitable substrate.
  2. Spray the soil liberally with a spray bottle.
  3. Rarely sow seeds.
  4. Cover them with a thin layer of soil.
  5. Cover with a lid or foil and place on a light and warm windowsill. Ventilate and moisturize periodically.
  6. When shoots appear, remove the shelter and lower the temperature to 18 ° C. This will prevent the seedlings from pulling out.
  7. After the formation of a pair of true leaves, dive the seedlings into separate containers.

Gaillardia seedlings can be transplanted onto a flower bed no earlier than the soil warms up, in the month of May. 2 weeks before planting, the bushes should be hardened by taking them out into the street.

Timing of sowing Gaillardia in open ground

Gaillardia bushesWhen using the seedless method, it should be borne in mind that in the current season the bushes will only increase the outlet. Flowering will come only next year. Seeds can be sown both in spring (April - May) and before winter, given the plant's ability to self-sowing. After overwintering in the ground, the seeds will sprout even more amicably next spring. The grown bushes will need to be planted.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that during seed propagation of varietal Gaillardia their features are not preserved. This should be taken into account and if it is important to continue the species, it is better to propagate the plant by dividing the bushes.

Sowing Gaillardia seedlings - video


