How to grow strawberries from seeds: when and how to sow, how to prepare seeds

Tell me how to grow strawberries from seeds? Once upon a time, my grandmother always grew a small, but very tasty and aromatic berry. Unfortunately, many years have passed and she was withdrawn. How many did not ask neighbors and acquaintances, no one has such bushes. Recently, however, I accidentally found the seeds of this variety. I want to try to breed it again, but have never grown strawberry seedlings. Tell me how to do it correctly?

how to grow strawberries from seeds It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage that does not have at least a few strawberry beds. The sweet and fragrant berry opens the summer fruit period. After the winter deficiency of vitamins, everyone eats it with pleasure, regardless of age. There are never many strawberries, so it is not surprising that a whole plantation is made from a couple of bushes in speed. Strawberries are propagated mainly in a vegetative way, with cuttings or mustaches. However, experienced gardeners quite successfully grow it by the seed method. Of course, this is a more laborious process, but if everything is done correctly, you can get strong seedlings. How to grow strawberries from seeds and when is it better to do it - we'll talk about this today.

Related article: homemade strawberries - growing in the apartment!

Seeds are best used for propagating remontant strawberry varieties (usually not very large, but sweet). This option is not suitable for hybrids, since varietal characteristics are lost.

When to sow?sown strawberries

It takes at least 2 months to grow a full-fledged bush from a small seed. Strawberries are usually planted in the garden in May. Based on this, it is not difficult to calculate and when to start sowing is the beginning of spring (March).

If you have a greenhouse with heating and lighting, you can sow strawberries even earlier, even from the beginning of winter.

How to choose and prepare seeds?germination of seeds

It is better to purchase planting material in specialized stores - this way there is less risk that the wrong variety will grow. In addition, there is an opportunity to select not only favorite and desired species, but also zoned varieties.

As you know, strawberry seeds cannot boast of good and 100% germination. Even if the majority sprout, young seedling very tender and often perishes. To increase germination and avoid possible losses, seeds must be properly prepared.

This procedure is not too fast, but necessary, and consists of three stages:

  1. First, the seeds need to be soaked by placing them in a cloth bag moistened with rainwater.
  2. After two days, put a bag with swollen seeds in a bag for germination. The package itself must be placed on a light and warm windowsill, but not in the sun itself.
  3. When sprouts appear, the seeds are stratified, which helps to strengthen the immunity of future seedlings. To do this, put a bag of seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for two weeks. It is periodically necessary to moisten the fabric so that it does not dry out.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?strawberry seedlings

Prepared and germinated seeds can be sown in pots, common or separate. The containers need to be filled with light and loose soil and just put the seeds on top, without burying or filling them. With a total planting strawberries an interval of 2 cm should be observed. The container with crops must be covered with a cap or foil to create a greenhouse microclimate. It will be possible to remove the shelter when the seedlings form a couple of real leaves.All this time, it is important to periodically spray the ground and ventilate the seedlings.

It is very convenient to grow strawberries in peat tablets - this way you can avoid picking and traumatizing the roots.

When there are at least 4 leaves on the bushes, they must be dived, while pinching the central root. Strawberries can be transplanted into open ground when the weather is stable.

Video about growing strawberry seedlings in peat tablets


