An important pigment chlorophyll - how to make it at home and what it is for

Where is chlorophyll used in everyday life, how to make it at home and from what? Recently I read that this substance is very good at helping with bedsores, but our grandfather just fell ill and such a problem appeared. I looked in pharmacies, but we do not have such a drug. Is it possible to get it at all at home and what is needed for this?

chlorophyll how to make at home Ever since school, we all remember that it is very important for plants to get enough nutrients for development. As a result of photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide into the necessary organic substances, and also release chlorophyll, which provides the green color of the leaves. However, not only for the plant world, but also for us, people, we really need chlorophyll, how to make this pigment at home will probably come in handy for everyone. If only for the simple reason that the magic pigment has healing properties and will help get rid of some diseases. And its property as a dye is very useful in the kitchen to get a natural and absolutely harmless product without a gram of chemistry.

Surprisingly, humans and plants still have one thing in common. The chlorophyll molecule in plants has the same structure as the hemoglobin molecule in humans. They have almost the same complex except for the central atom. In the center of the chlorophyll molecule is magnesium, and hemoglobin is iron.

Where is chlorophyll used

where chlorophyll is used

First of all, the pigment is of great value for cooking, because it allows the production of natural products. It is added to ice cream, sauces, desserts, creams.

the structure of chlorophyll and hemoglobin molecules

In addition, chlorophyll has a number of medicinal properties, which makes it possible to use it in traditional medicine. For example, green pigment:

  • cleanses the body, removing toxins and toxins;
  • accelerates the healing of wounds and other damage to the skin;
  • has a mild diuretic property and is used for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis.

Chlorophyll - how to make at home

how to isolate chlorophyll at homeSince chlorophyll is contained in the leaves of plants, in order to isolate it, you will need them, respectively. But the vegetation is not of any crop, but of those in which the pigment is most contained. These are spinach, Brussels sprouts, nettles, broccoli.

The process itself is simple: the leaves need to be chopped (finely torn or cut) and put into an enamel saucepan. Then pour a small amount of a solution of water and alcohol. Or just vodka. It remains only to place the pan in a water bath and heat until the leaves are discolored and the solution turns green. That's all, all the chlorophyll from the plants went into solution. It is advisable to make small portions and use them as quickly as possible. The pigment cannot be stored for a long time, and upon contact with light and air it darkens.

Chlorophyll production


