How to grow a salad in an apartment and provide seven vitamins for the whole winter

Tell us how to grow a salad in an apartment? I used to have a lot of indoor flowers, but somehow gradually many disappeared. Instead, I decided to allocate one window for the "home garden" and start with the salad. This is the most popular and favorite herb in our family.

how to grow salad in an apartment Of all the garden crops that garden fanatics grow on windowsills, the easiest way to get a salad harvest is. It grows quickly, while the roots are superficial. This means that the plant does not need large containers and does not take up much space on the window. Regarding planting and care, there is nothing complicated in how to grow a salad in an apartment. Choosing an early ripe variety, buying a universal substrate - and getting started.

At home, it is better to plant lettuce, which is more demanding. Some of the most unpretentious varieties that grow well indoors are New Year's salads, Lollo bionda, Batavia. Watercress is also suitable for potting.

Planting seeds

sowing lettuce seeds

For growing lettuce, we use small bowls with a volume of up to 2 liters. The soil should be nutritious and light so that the sprouts hatch faster. A universal substrate for seedlings is suitable or we prepare the soil mixture ourselves, mixing in equal parts:

  • sod land;
  • sand;
  • humus.

At the bottom of the pots we spread the pebbles as drainage, pour the soil, spray abundantly. We make grooves, sow seeds, lightly cover them with earth. We put on the film and wait. After about 5 days, the first sprouts will already appear. When all the crops have sprout, remove the film.

If the seeds are homemade, collected with our own hands, we soak them in potassium permanganate for disinfection before planting. Sow the processed magazine material immediately.

How to grow salad in an apartment - care features

salad on the windowIn order for the bushes to grow lush, we must provide them with timely watering, good lighting and warmth. Based on this, caring for home salad beds consists of the following procedures:

  1. We put the pots on a light and warm window. Rooms with temperatures below 17 ° are not suitable for growing. There our seedlings will "sit" in one place for a long time. The optimum temperature for active growth of a leaf outlet is about 20 ° C.
  2. For early sowing, we install lamps for additional illumination. The daylight hours for plants should be at least 12 hours.
  3. About a week after germination, we thin out our beds, leaving a couple of centimeters between the seedlings. The second time we carry out this procedure at the phase of formation of 2 leaves, keeping a distance of 5 cm.
  4. Water the salad every two days, especially when it begins to grow a leaf outlet. If the soil is dry, it will go into the arrow. But we monitor the moisture and the rate of evaporation, avoiding stagnant water, otherwise the bushes will start to hurt and rot.

watercressUsing initially fertile land, we will save ourselves from such a procedure as feeding. Lettuce grows quickly and the nutrients available in the substrate are enough for it. You can collect tender young leaves as you grow, but in general, after a month, the bushes will begin to release arrows. By this time, we have the opportunity to "destroy" them by putting them on a salad. And so that juicy greens are not translated, we sow a salad every two weeks. Then natural vitamins will be on the table all winter.

How to grow salad at home - video


