How much to cook cauliflower to preserve its flavor and health benefits

how much to cook cauliflower Dishes from this variety of white cabbage are distinguished by their delicate taste and refined aroma. To get this result, it's important to know how much to cook the cauliflower. If you overexpose it, then all the useful vitamins and minerals will evaporate along with the water. The technology for cooking fresh and frozen vegetables has some differences.

How much to cook cauliflower in accordance with haute cuisine standards


The time range depends largely on the power of the fire and the cooking method. Great cooking gurus without a stopwatch can determine how much to cook until cooked. They also advise ordinary housewives to do this.

Here are some of the secrets to doing this:

  • inflorescences are freely pierced with a knife;
  • retain color;
  • perfectly keep their shape, do not fall apart;
  • have an elastic texture.

When digested, cabbage acquires an interesting yellowness.

properly cooked cauliflowerTypically, this Syrian vegetable takes 10 to 15 minutes to cook. In this case, the hostess needs to learn the golden rule of European cuisine: the lower the fire, the longer the heat treatment period. If in the future the cook plans to fry it, then the time is reduced by almost 2 times. This is called aldente, soft on the outside but hard on the inside. Otherwise, during frying, the vegetable will acquire a shapeless structure or simply fall apart.

Many people are delighted with crispy cauliflower. In this case, it should be boiled for only 6-7 minutes.

Cauliflower cooking technology in the flow of time

how much to cook fresh cauliflowerFirst you need to choose the right product. The head of cabbage should be firm, firm and visually attractive. After all, any damage, black spots and rot on its surface will spoil the taste of the dish. Culinary experts use several technologies for preparing vegetable crops. How long to cook fresh cauliflower directly depends on these techniques.

Here are the main technical points in popular treatments:

  1. In water. The inflorescences are unloaded into a boiling salted liquid. After 10-15 minutes, carefully remove from the dishes.boil cabbage in water
  2. For a couple. Use a colander or sieve. The device is installed in a container of boiling water. In this position, the cauliflower cooks for 15 to 20 much to steam cauliflower
  3. IN multicooker... The inflorescences are poured with liquid so that it covers it almost 2 times. Turn on the "Cooking" mode, set it for 20-25 cauliflower in a slow cooker
  4. In the microwave. The vegetable culture is unloaded into glass containers. Add 3 tbsp. l. water or more, depending on the number of inflorescences. Cover the dishes with a lid. Turn on the microwave at full power. Set a timer for 4-8 minutes.microwave cooking cauliflower

Most recipes suggest turning the heat down to medium. However, then you need to carefully monitor the contents of the container. Cooking debutants should start with low fire.

When it comes to how much fresh cauliflower is cooked in a saucepan, the preferences of family members must be considered. Some people like the soft texture of vegetables. For this reason, the inflorescences are steamed or in water a little longer than usual. In cooking textbooks, chefs suggest cooking a dish over low heat. This preserves the rich color of the fresh product. In this case, the question of how much to cook cauliflower is not entirely appropriate.The hostess will closely monitor the condition of the inflorescences throughout the entire cooking process in order to remove them at the right time.

Minute of fame or sumptuous cauliflower dishes

cooking cauliflowerProfessionals recommend starting with a simple microwave stew. For 500 g of product, add 3 tbsp. l. milk and cover with a lid. The dishes are sent to the microwave for 3 minutes. Then add spices for vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes. The following recipe assumes the presence of batter.making batter

To prepare it:

  • the yolks are separated from the proteins (2 pcs.), the latter are sent to the refrigerator for a while;
  • yolks are mixed with 2 tbsp. l. dry white wine and 50 ml of carbonated water;
  • salt and spices are added to the mass to taste (paprika, basil, different types of pepper, oregano, turmeric);
  • whisk the contents until foam forms;
  • sifted flour (100 g) is introduced in portions;
  • sent to the cold for 15 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, beat again.

Frozen cauliflower retains many health benefits. However, when heat treated, the vegetable loses its elasticity and presentability. For this, the product is boiled for about 15-20 minutes, depending on the degree of icing.

boil cauliflowerBefore frying, cauliflower (400 g) is boiled in salted water over low heat for 5 minutes. To remove the smell, 100 ml of milk is poured into the liquid, and a bay leaf (2 pcs.) Is also put. A colander or sieve with coals is immersed in a boiling mixture. After heat treatment, it is recommended to douse the product with ice and water. This is one of the basic rules for how to properly boil cauliflower. Then the contents are given time to dry out. Then the inflorescences are laid out on a cutting board and ground with flour.

beat the whitesfry the cauliflower in batterNow it's the turn for proteins. They are whipped into a cool foam together with lemon juice (1/3 tsp) and a pinch of salt. Then in parts and very carefully mix the protein mass into the yolk dough. At this stage, dip pieces of cauliflower in batter and fry in a large amount of oil.

serve cauliflower to the tableSuch a gorgeous dish is served with creamy sauce or mayonnaise. Also, deep-fried vegetables are ideally combined with ketchup and béchamel sauce. Treats must be decorated with herbs.

Cooking cauliflower correctly - video

  1. Aleksandr

    Thanks for the helpful and interesting article!

    Cabbage - this vegetable is familiar to us from early childhood. Before you cook cabbage, you need to choose the right one. Using a product that is not suitable for age can lead to severe softening or compaction.

  2. Valentine

    I prefer crispy cauliflower, so I cook it for about 7 minutes! Then it is as tasty as possible, as for me) Not soft and does not turn yellow!


