Why basil is useful - a healing herb from the garden under the window

Tell us what basil is good for. For several years now I have been suffering from high blood pressure. A friend advised me to eat this spice more often and make infusions. She says that basil helps her, sudden pressure drops have disappeared. Once upon a time, being pregnant, I myself chewed fragrant leaves to relieve toxicosis. Surely this plant has many more useful properties. It would be interesting to know which ones.

how is basil useful?

Basil is not in vain considered the most popular spice in cooking, however, this is not the whole area of ​​its application. The rich composition of the aboveground part of the plant is widely used in folk medicine. Knowing how basil is useful, you can make yourself feel better in many diseases. In addition, the seeds of the crop contribute to the active burning of body fat. In turn, this will help you lose those extra pounds and regain a slim figure.

The rich variety of basil's chemical composition

basil composition

First of all, it is worth noting the high content of essential oils in the leaves and shoots, to which basil owes its aroma. Like all edible herbs, it is low in calories (only 23 kcal), but it will delight you with a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Of the vitamins, vitamins A (5275 IU) and K (414.8 μg) are in the lead. Copper (385 mg), potassium (295 mg) and calcium (177 mg) are in the top three in terms of trace element content.

Basil contains only 2.7 g of carbohydrates, 0.6 g of fat and 3.2 g of protein (per 100 g). Such a bunch of greens will provide as much as 4% of the daily value of dietary fiber, of which there is 1.6 g.

Benefits of basil

useful properties of bisilMost of the nutrients and oils are found in the leaves of the plant. Basil has a positive and healing effect on the body, namely:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels;
  • relieves various inflammatory processes of the skin, stomach cramps, edema, inflammatory processes in the ears;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • resists bacterial infections;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • relieves arthritis and headache;
  • improves mental activity;
  • serves as an expectorant;
  • supports oral health;
  • removes stones;
  • improves vision;
  • serves as an aphrodisiac.

Basil protects against the appearance of malignant tumors and prevents the further development of existing formations.

Contraindications and restrictions on the use of basil for medicinal purposes

contraindicationsIn moderation, the spice is shown and useful for everyone, but some nuances still exist. In the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth limiting the consumption of basil by mouth. Existing health problems may worsen. You should also take into account the tonic effect of the spice - it can increase the tone of the uterus and provoke a miscarriage. AND purple basil should not be carried away by nursing - lactation may decrease and the quality of milk may deteriorate.

In limited quantities, you should use the herb with heart (especially after a stroke or heart attack), hypertensive patients, diabetics. Also, do not forget about the possible presence of an allergy to essential oils. In this case, it is better to refuse basil.

Useful properties of basil - video


