What vitamins are in onions - useful heads, feathers and husks

What vitamins are in onions? For almost all diseases, the mother-in-law makes herself a tincture from the husk. She says she helps her a lot and it becomes easier. I decided to try this remedy for myself - lately pressure has started to jump strongly. I would like to know what is the secret of this vegetable and what is the more use - in the heads or feathers?

what vitamins are in onions What is grown on the garden beds on the largest scale? Perhaps, onions are planted most of all, because the area of ​​its application has no boundaries. In a kitchen without fragrant heads, you can't cook any soup, no second course, or salad. It is indispensable for conservation, in addition, due to its beneficial properties, it is used as a folk remedy for the treatment of many diseases. What vitamins in onions make it such a versatile product?

First of all, it is worth noting that absolutely all parts are useful in a bow. In addition to juicy and fragrant root crops, many vitamins and trace elements are also contained in their husks, as well as in green mass (feathers).

Useful composition of onion feathers


Even the thin feathers of shallots, better known as bush or family, contain a lot of vitamin. What can we say about the thick fibrous stem and dense fan of large leek feathers. That's where the real vitamin pantry is. Most of the feathers contain B vitamins. Among them, vitamin B9 is the leader (up to 9 mg). In addition, it contains even more "acidic" vitamin C (up to 15 mg per 100 g). From minerals to leeks prevail:

  • potassium - up to 145 mg;
  • sulfur - up to 64 mg;
  • phosphorus - up to 52 mg.

If you store leeks without cutting off the stem and roots, then the amount of vitamin during storage can increase by 2 times.

What vitamins are in onions?

onionOnion heads also contain many vitamins. So, vitamin B9 in them is the same as in feathers, but vitamin C is slightly less, 10 mg. In terms of potassium content, the heads are also superior to the green feather: 175 mg versus 145 mg. More of them and sulfur with phosphorus, as well as calcium (31 against 21 mg) and chlorine (25 against 24 mg). But magnesium in onions is slightly less than in feathers - 14 versus 16 mg.

Onion Hulls - Even Kitchen Scraps Are Good

huskWhat do you do with the husk after cleaning the heads? Most housewives throw it away, and only on Easter holidays is it used in the form of a decoction for dyeing eggs. However, vitamins and trace elements are found in all parts of any kind of onion, including the upper shells.
Golden onion peel has many beneficial properties, which makes it useful for a number of diseases. So, husk infusions are used as a mild laxative to reduce blood pressure, increase immunity and improve heart function. It is also an excellent antiseptic, antispasmodic and a good anticonvulsant.

Video about the benefits of onions


