Campanula garden perennial: planting and care

perennial garden campanula Perennial garden campanula is a bell, a perennial herb. More than 300 varieties allow you to choose a variety that is suitable for the climate of the region, suitable for creating compositions and has the desired shade of flowers.

What is perennial garden campanula

mediterranean plant

The homeland of this beautiful flower is the Mediterranean. Temperate regions are suitable for growing Campanula.

The stem of the campanula can be creeping or erect, up to 100 cm long. Flowering begins in the first summer month and lasts until September. The shade of the flower depends on the variety, it can be white, pink, blue, lilac.

perennial campanula bloomsA feature of the cultivation of perennial garden campanula is the need to organize good watering. In this case, drainage should be provided so that the root system does not rot from an excess of moisture.

Timely removal of wilted flowers stimulates abundant flowering.

Campanula garden perennial propagates easily

perennialPlant replanting and planting can be done in autumn or spring. Caring for perennial campanula at first depends on the type of reproduction and planting of the plant.

Breeding options:

  1. Division of the bush.
  2. Cuttings.
  3. Seeds.

Cutting: how and when to carry it out

For this method of reproduction, a stalk of an adult healthy plant is selected, which is cut with a knife. The cut is immersed in a vessel with water, and kept in it until roots are formed.

After the roots have appeared, the cutting is planted in a container with a sandy and peat mixture. In the future, the plant is sprayed with water, without watering. After the new seedling has begun, it can be transplanted to a place selected in the garden.

Transplanting to a new place is recommended to be performed by transshipment with a clod of earth.

Dividing a bush is the easiest way to reproduce

reproduction by dividing the bushYou can divide the bush of perennial garden campanula in late summer or early autumn.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Dig up an adult bush.
  2. Divide it in half or in 3 parts like this. So that each of them has a place of renewal.
  3. Drop the separated parts to a new location.
  4. Drizzle.

With proper separation, the resulting seedlings take root before the onset of cold weather.

Seed propagation

reproduction of campanula by perennial seeds

Planting campanula seeds can be carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. In the spring - in the greenhouse. The most suitable period for this is March.
  2. In autumn (in October) - in the ground.

Seeds are spread over the prepared area with a pre-moistened soil mixture. And on top, no more than 30 mm, sprinkle with earth. After that, the ground is watered again.

Seeds planted in autumn germinate in spring, about a month after the snow has melted. Planted in greenhouse in March, the seeds need to be covered with a film or glass on top in order to maintain an optimal microclimate for germination. In May, young plants that have sprouted in the greenhouse can be transplanted outdoors into the garden.

Plant care

care for perennial garden campanulaPlanting a campanula in the garden requires care with sufficient watering. It is necessary to organize a regular supply of warm water in small volumes. Usually, once a day is enough, in very hot dry weather - 2 times a day, in autumn - less.

When the soil dries up, the bell dies in a few days.

Fertilizers must be applied during the period of active growth and flowering - in summer and spring. To improve the quality of the soil, mineral fertilizers are suitable.

Caring for the campanula after flowering is shown in the video:

9 tips for planting and grooming

bell blooms

Planting and caring for the campanula bell should be carried out in accordance with the following guidelines:

  1. The soil must be dug before disembarking, and weeds removed.
  2. The area for flowers should be in a sunny or semi-shaded area of ​​the garden. With a lack of light, the stem stretches, growth slows down, and flowering may stop completely.
  3. The flower bed should not be in a draft.
  4. The composition of the soil plays an important role. It should include for clayey - sand and peat, and it is better to enrich sandy soil with wood ash and humus.
  5. Water stagnation should not be allowed, therefore it is not recommended to place the flower bed in a lowland.
  6. Transplanting plants to a newly selected place must be carried out by transshipment, preserving a clod of earth in which the plant has already grown. This will not injure the root system.
  7. After transplanting, the bell is watered.
  8. Weed control will allow the flower to thrive.
  9. Loosening the soil provides air enrichment, so it is advisable to carry it out regularly.

If the plant is a tall variety, it requires tying up. Otherwise, the stem may break from the wind.

Preparing a perennial for winter

perennial bell

In the middle zone of the country, a perennial is able to endure the winter well. To do this, it must be prepared in October:

  • the stems are cut;
  • the soil under the campanula is abundantly sprinkled with dry leaves to protect the root system from frost.

Despite the fact that campanula is a perennial, the plant needs updating, since in a couple of years the bush disappears without it.

Planting and caring for a campanula in the garden is not very difficult. In order for the flower to please with abundant flowering, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for plant maintenance - to water, apply fertilizers, prevent drafts and stagnation of moisture in the soil.

Growing a garden bell in the open field - video


