We decorate the garden with slender candles - black cohosh, planting and caring for a perennial

Tell me, is black cohosh a perennial, planting and caring for it have nuances? I ordered a parcel from a neighbor and now I'm waiting for her to plant her bush. She's just huge, but it blooms so that I can not walk by calmly. I have wanted it for a long time, and I have no strength to wait, I started looking for seeds, and I managed to find one tall variety. I made a pre-order for the fall. Now I will divorce, I will have seedlings, and immediately large bushes. And when to sow seeds, in the spring? And where is the best place to plant a flower in the garden?

black cohosh planting and care in the open field Its gorgeous carved leaves with a colored sheen and candle flower stalks are hard to miss among other plants. If you do not already have such a bush, be sure to purchase a black cohosh, planting and caring for it is very simple and will not be very binding. The plant has a very hardy character, and it will be difficult to ruin it. The only thing it definitely cannot do without is life-giving moisture. The rest of the black cohosh is not afraid.

Black cohosh - planting and caring for a plant in the garden

black cohosh

A member of the buttercup family, black cohosh grows in a lush and rather large clump. It is formed by numerous large, beautifully shaped leaves. The plates are deeply dissected, and their edges are originally decorated with sharp points. Depending on the type of culture, the height of flowers varies from 40 to 100 cm. This also determines their color. Varieties with burgundy and chocolate foliage look gorgeous, there are even black cohosh with a blue tint. The bushes have a very developed and deeply penetrating root system. This is what determines the high resistance of black cohosh to adverse conditions.

The foliage and roots of black cohosh contain many insecticides that repel pests. For this, the flower got its name. And among biologists, it is also known as a cimicifuga.

In the middle of summer, early species have tall and graceful flower stalks. They are formed on the basal leaves, and the flowers themselves, very small, are collected at the tops in large numbers. The color is dominated by white and pink, but there are also burgundy and almost lilac varieties. By their structure, the peduncles resemble huge candles, and besides, they are also lush. This effect is provided by long stamens hanging from the flowers.

How and when to plant

where to plant black cohoshBlack cohosh reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively, and each method has its own characteristics:

  1. Seeds are best sown immediately after harvest as they do not store well. In addition, they sprout for a very long time - the first shoots will appear no earlier than six months later. Immediately after planting, the crops are placed for 3 months in a warm place, then for the same period in a cool room. And in the spring, the seedlings are rearranged into a warm and lighted growing room.
  2. Cuttings can be cut both in spring and autumn, but in the latter case, rooted cuttings are stored indoors in winter.
  3. The division of the bush is carried out no earlier than from the 6th year of life, mainly in the spring, so that the divisions become stronger by winter.inflorescence of black cohosh

Black cohosh grown from seeds will bloom only for 4 years of life, while young bushes from cuttings and cuttings - already in the current season. But with a vegetative reproduction method, you must constantly monitor the humidity. Drying out of the soil will quickly destroy the planting material.

Black cohosh can be planted in partial shade, but not in deep shade. There, although the rich color of the leaves will remain, the flowering will no longer be so lush.

Caring for black cohosh in the garden

black cohosh careParticular attention must be paid to watering and regularly moisten the soil abundantly. Without moisture, foliage and flower stalks will wither. At the same time, this cannot be done too often, so as not to provoke rotting of the roots.

Given the powerful roots and size of the bush itself, the plant needs a lot of nutrients. In the spring they bring nitrogenso that the rosette grows young foliage. Before flowering, they are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. And before wintering, the bushes are mulched with rotted manure. But before that, the aboveground part is cut off before the onset of frost. By the way, adult black cohosh hibernates without shelter, and it is advisable to at least mulch the young.

Growing black cohosh in the garden


