When to plant thuja, the timing of spring and autumn planting

Tell me when to plant thuja? I have long wanted to plant this beautiful tree in the yard. In the spring, while gardening, I missed the opportunity to buy conifers. Is it possible to plant thuja in the fall? I heard that it takes root well at any time of the year. Is it so?

when to plant thuja Thuja and other conifers give the suburban area a special look. Evergreen beauties with slender forms make the courtyard as close as possible to natural, wild conditions. Plus, it's not difficult to grow them. Due to the unpretentious nature of the culture, they develop well and winter well. However, in order for a small seedling to quickly stretch out and acquire lush forms, it is important to know when to plant thuja. The landing site also matters. But even if it's perfect, a late disembarkation can make all efforts in vain.

Like all shrubs and trees, thuja is planted either in spring or autumn. In general, the culture tolerates both spring and autumn planting well if it is carried out on time. Indeed, although thuja is frost-resistant, young fragile trees suffer from a sharp change in temperature.

Regardless of the time of planting the seedling, it must be carried out by transshipment. This will help avoid trauma to the root system and increase the chances of survival.

Dates of spring planting of thuja

spring planting

Most gardeners prefer spring planting. In this case, the thuja has time to grow stronger before its first wintering in the open field. Over the summer, the seedling grows additional roots and the aerial part, its last year's branches are roughened. In this form, the winter frosts of thuja are not terrible.

The plant should be planted in early spring, in the month of March, as soon as the air and soil warm up. If tightened, seedlings take root worse when it's hot outside.

When to plant thuja in autumn?

autumn plantingDepending on the region of cultivation, the timing of the autumn planting of thuja is slightly different:

  • in the south, where autumn is usually warm and prolonged, you can start work in mid-October;
  • in the central zone, it is better to do this no later than September.

Timely autumn planting thuja - a guarantee that the plant will have time to take root before the arrival of stable frosts. Of the disadvantages of planting in the fall, it is worth noting the freezing of seedlings during late planting or early frosts.

Summing up, I would like to add that some gardeners plant thuja in the off-season, at the beginning or at the end of summer. In principle, this is a perfectly acceptable option, but on condition that the seedling is provided with regular watering. Otherwise, it will simply dry out from the heat.

Video about the autumn planting of thuja


