Why are the bones from viburnum so valuable - the benefits and harms of "small hearts" for a big heart and not only

What are the medicinal properties of viburnum bones, their benefits and harms to the body? A neighbor gave me some dried seeds and said that they are very good at helping with high blood pressure. It's true? In what other cases are bones used and how is it correct - to eat whole or brew?

viburnum bones benefit and harm If a plant has medicinal properties, then most often all its parts have such strength. So nature "did" with viburnum, rewarding not only its berries with a very rich composition, but also the seeds themselves. Therefore, never throw away the seeds from the viburnum - the benefits and harms of these small flat drupes were known to our ancestors. Even the very shape of the seeds is very similar to the symbolic image of the heart, as if telling us that they are at least good for the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of these little "hearts" will help prevent diseases and our heart by strengthening it. And it will also have a positive effect on the work of other organs.

The chemical composition of viburnum seeds

viburnum composition

The uniqueness of the chemical composition of the seeds is that they contain almost 20% oils with various fatty acids. Among them is myristic acid, useful for immunity, which helps to rejuvenate the skin, palmitic acid. Stearic acid will give a charge of vivacity and energy, and linoleic and oleic acid will protect against heart disease and tumors.

In addition, viburnum seeds contain vitamins of groups A, B, K and E. And there are also many minerals, among which magnesium, iron, selenium, copper and molybdenum are the leaders. Given such a rich composition, it is not surprising that viburnum is useful, first of all, for the heart.

Viburnum seeds - the benefits and harms of "berry waste"

how is viburnum usefulLike berries, seeds are best harvested after frost, at the end of October. Depending on further methods of use, you can dry them together with whole berries. Or rub the viburnum through a sieve and select the drupes.

It is better to dry the seeds in the air, not in the oven. Store them in paper bags for no more than a year. After the specified time, the drupes, of course, will not disappear yet. But they will lose most of their medicinal properties.

The healing properties of viburnum seeds

medicinal properties of viburnum seedsYou can prepare a water or alcohol decoction from the whole seeds. tincture... You can also grind them and make a healthy oil or cream.

In whatever form you use the bones, they retain all their healing properties, namely:

  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulate the regeneration of the skin and treat inflammatory skin diseases;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • increase the level of hemoglobin;
  • improve metabolism;
  • normalize blood pressure, reducing it to optimal levels;
  • serve as the prevention of diseases such as gout, osteoporosis, various infections.

Viburnum bones will help with colds, anemia, neurosis, convulsions. They are used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal tract problems.

Are there any contraindications for viburnum seeds

viburnum bones contraindicationsDespite the tremendous benefits, heart seeds can be harmful in some cases. Especially if you use them uncontrollably and in large quantities. Such a remedy is categorically not suitable if you are allergic to viburnum.

It is also forbidden to take bones in the presence of hypotension, high acidity and blood clotting. They are also not suitable for pregnant women, since they contain substances that can lead the uterus to hypertonicity.

Why is viburnum useful


