Medicinal properties of the money tree and contraindications for use

medicinal properties of the money tree and contraindications The healing properties of the money tree and contraindications have been known for a very long time. This plant has many positive qualities that allow it to be used for various diseases (see. money tree - caring for it).

Money tree: what is this plant

fat woman

The second name of the flower is fat woman. Its homeland is the countries of the Southern Hemisphere. The plant is believed to have mystical powers. It is able to bring prosperity to the house, as well as cure various diseases.

Feng Shui experts believe that the tree fatty should be in every home. Thus, the energy flows will harmonize in the room. Also, the plant is able to bring prosperity and well-being to the family.

Phytoncides, which release the leaves of the bastard during the growth process, help:

  • improve mood;
  • restore sleep;
  • improve performance;
  • slow down the development of respiratory ailments.

In the room where the sick person is, the tree can wither and shed its leaves. But after the situation changes, the plant will again be covered with juicy and green leaves.

Read on:golden mustache - medicinal properties and contraindications!

Medicinal properties of the fat woman and contraindications

we grow a fat woman at homeThe money tree is the most sought-after indoor plant. It is often used in medicine to treat wounds, bruises, and other diseases.

The bastard has antiviral, bactericidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antipruritic properties. The plant is used in dentistry, therapy and neurology.

The money tree is used to treat:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • abscesses, wounds;
  • sore throats and herpes;
  • bruises;
  • frostbite;
  • polyps in the nose;
  • burns of varying degrees;
  • edema that appears as a result of insect bites.

a decoction of the leaves of the bastardAlso, decoctions and infusions from the leaves are used in case of muscle strain. Money tree is often used by women to improve skin condition. The juice from the leafy plates helps to soften the dermis and gives it natural firmness. Also, the plant relieves acne and various rashes.

Very rarely, people are allergic to money tree pollen.

Despite all the positive aspects, this tree has its own contraindications. It is forbidden to use infusions, decoctions and juice for pregnant women, women during breastfeeding and children under 12 years of age.

You should also pay special attention to the dosage of taking drugs based on fat women... This is due to the fact that it contains a certain percentage of arsenic. In case of poisoning with this component, you need to drink activated carbon as soon as possible and contact a specialist.

The use of a fat woman in traditional medicine

Traditional healers use the unique properties of various plants to help sick people. Harvesting of meadow grasses, fruit shrubs and trees, roots of different plants - the first and most important step to help.

Money tree with hemorrhoids

inflammation of the hemorrhoidMany people who have a sedentary lifestyle are aware of the problem of hemorrhoids. However, the majority suffer and do not resort to solving this problem.

A good option to get rid of this ailment is bastard leaves.In order to prepare a medicinal mixture, it is necessary to combine plant juice and petroleum jelly (1: 1). Both components will need to be thoroughly mixed and applied to a cotton swab. Then attach it to the problem area and hold it for 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat this procedure two or three times a day.

These tampons help with different stages of hemorrhoids. They cope with bleeding, which often occurs as a result of deformation of the hemorrhoidal lump.

Fresh juice from the leaves of the money tree helps to soothe pain, relieve swelling, and destroy various viruses.

Fat woman with varicose veins

varicose meshThis disease is accompanied by edema, unpleasant heaviness in the legs and sharp pains. In order to get rid of such a problem once and for all, it is necessary to use lotions and bandages from the infusion of the fat woman. A properly prepared solution will not only reduce pain, but also reduce knots. In order to achieve the desired result, you should follow all the recommendations throughout the 30-day course.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • finely chop 20 large leaves;
  • one liter of vodka (no additives).

Put both components in a dark container and mix well. Insist for a month, then strain. Soak a white cloth with the finished solution and apply to the problem area. Keep until dry.

It is necessary to do 2-3 courses per year.

Money tree for acne

fight acneThis trouble can occur at any age. Acne not only brings psychological problems, but can also cause itching and pain. Due to the fact that the fatty woman has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to get rid of this problem.

If acne has just appeared, and they are small, then it will be enough to wipe the problem areas with freshly squeezed money tree juice.

Large abscesses can be easily removed with gruel applied overnight. In order for the mixture to draw out the pus well, it is necessary to fix the cotton wool with a plaster. A few of these procedures are enough and the abscesses will disappear forever.

Fat woman in cosmetology

mask with bastard leavesEvery woman dreams of beautiful and healthy skin. Masks based on money tree leaves help restore its shine, color and elasticity.

For oily skin

Ingredients for making the mask:

  • a few medium leaves of a fat woman;
  • one chicken egg (protein);
  • dessert spoon of oatmeal.

Wash the leaves under running water and dry thoroughly. Then grind them to a state of gruel. This can be done using blender and a meat grinder. Put the resulting mixture in a container and add the protein and ground oatmeal to it. Mix all components well with a wooden spoon and apply to previously cleansed skin. Keep the mixture on for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for 7 days.

It should be remembered that you should not apply the mask to the eye area.

Rejuvenating mask

To prepare it you need:

  • 0.5 tbsp. l gruel from the leaves of the money tree;
  • 1 tsp cow's milk (room temperature);
  • dessert boat of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l yeast;
  • 5 to 8 drops of vitamin E.

Put all the above ingredients in a metal container and mix thoroughly. Massage the resulting mixture onto the face, avoiding the lips and eyes. Keep it on for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This procedure must be done once a day for a week.

Brightening facial mask

This recipe will help you deal with freckles and pigmented areas. To do this, you just need to combine 1 teaspoon of chopped money tree leaves, the same amount of parsley, fatty homemade sour cream and half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the product to the skin. Keep it on for 15 minutes.

Money tree for angina and arthritis

we treat angina with a fat womanA remedy made from the money tree helps to relieve sore throat, as well as get rid of abscesses. To treat such a problem, a solution is used with which to gargle.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 10 leaves (squeeze out the juice);
  • 200 ml of boiled, warm water.

Gargle with the resulting solution. It is necessary to repeat the procedure until it becomes easier to swallow.

Money tree for arthritis

knee arthritisThe fat woman is an excellent remedy for sore joints. The sap of the plant also helps to deal with swelling that makes it difficult to move. When taken correctly, relief occurs within two weeks.

For the treatment of arthritis, only fresh juice is used in its pure form. It is necessary to rub it only into problem areas once a day for a month. The amount of juice depends on the size of the affected area.

For herpes, a fat woman can also help. To do this, it is necessary to soak the cotton wool with juice from the leaves and attach it to the sore spot. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure several times a day. For a quick effect, it is recommended to leave the cotton pad overnight secured with a plaster.

When used correctly, the money tree will provide incredible benefits. The main thing is to follow the recommendations in the manufacture of mixtures, and also take into account contraindications. Only then, once and for all, you will get rid of the most unpleasant diseases.

Properties of the money tree and traditional medicine - video


