We study the medicinal properties of gentian

medicinal properties of gentian

Gentian or gentian is an amazing plant that has many beneficial properties. The healing properties of gentian are known all over the world. The plant can help with many diseases, the main thing is to use it correctly.

What the plant consists of

gentian structure

Gentian has a very bitter taste, this is facilitated by the presence of glycosides in the composition. In addition to them, the plant contains a lot of substances that are useful to humans.

The gentian contains:

  • gentiopicrin;
  • amarogenin;
  • gentian;
  • gentiamarin;
  • isogenisine;
  • gentisin;
  • gentiacaumol;
  • trisaccharides;
  • disaccharides;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • nicotinamide;
  • catechin;
  • pectin.

The grass is rich in various oils, resins and mucous compounds. Also, it contains tannins and inulin.

The healing properties of gentian

joint problems

The plant has therapeutic properties. With its help, diseases of the digestive system and joints are treated. Gentian-based medications improve appetite and speed up the metabolic process.

Also they are used to restore the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The plant is added to herbal preparations that normalize blood circulation.

Backs gentians are used in homeopathy. Various medicinal preparations are prepared from them. The gentian has an analgesic effect, lowers fever and suppresses inflammatory process. It is also used as a cough suppressant and as a mild sedative. a drug. The herb increases blood pressure and relieves anemia.

Gentian is popular in Japan. There it is used as a drug against fever, worms and intoxication.

IN complementary medicine gentian occupies an important place for four centuries. Healers use all parts of the plant, but the root is considered the most effective and helpful. A decoction based on it will help with heartburn.

gentian for heartburn

It is added to baths to restore the skin of the feet, and is also used for excessive sweating.

Gentian helps with low acid gastritis, constipation, bloating and diseases intestines. Herbal preparations and decoctions will help with arthritis, muscle pain and joints, low hemoglobin levels. Decoctions improve the condition during exacerbation diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Large-leaved gentian restores men's health. It contains substances that increase potency and return lost sexual activity to men.

Gentian for impaired appetite

gentian will improve appetite

Problems with appetite may appear as a result of the transferred chemotherapy, for diseases of the digestive system, as a result nervous breakdowns. Medicines that are prescribed to normalize appetite, have many contraindications and are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, the gentian is the best solution to this problem.

Decoctions and tinctures contribute to a rapid improvement in appetite, and when used correctly do not cause negative consequences.

In case of impaired appetite and a constant feeling of heartburn, tincture on the root of yellow gentian will help.

tincture of gentian

To prepare a medicinal tincture, you need to take:

• 1 tbsp. l. gentian roots;

• a glass of hot water.

Roots combine with water and leave for 2 hours. You need to take the medicine three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Also, well improves appetite gentian decoction according to the following recipe. To make him to do, you need to connect the roots with hot water.Simmer mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Then insist at room temperature for 20 minutes. The filtered agent is taken in 1 tbsp. l. over 30 minutes before meals.

Gentian with excessive sweating of the feet

excessive sweating of the feet

Increased sweating in the feet area gives a person a lot of awkward moments and situations. This unpleasant feature interferes with the establishment of personal life, in employment and bring negativity into a person's daily life. Similar problems are associated with an unpleasant odor that appears when sweating. It is he who can become an obstacle to a normal life.

Excessive sweating of the feet or hyperhidrosis, as it is also called, may appear with hormonal disruptions or malfunctioning of the nervous system. This disease also inherited. Causes of sweating include: fungus, bacteria, wearing tight, hot and uncomfortable shoes.

foot bath made of gentian root and oak bark

With hyperhidrosis, you need soar feet with a decoction of oak bark and gentian root. If a carry out the procedure regularly before bedtime, you can overcome the disease or significantly reduce its manifestation.

To prepare the broth you need to take:

  • gentian roots - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • oak bark - 3 tbsp. l (slide).

All combine and add 1 l. boiled water. Put the mixture on the steam bath and keep in this state for 15 minutes. Insist about 45 minutes.

Using the plant for constipation

stool problems

Constipation Is a fairly common problem that you should be afraid to talk about like that young and adult patients. It often occurs as a result of intestinal atony and peristalsis. In such a situation, it makes no sense to take coarse fiber, because it can cause bloating and colic in the intestines. And here is a tincture from the root gentian, quickly and gently relieve constipation.

pharmacy tincture of gentian

For tincture you need to take:

  • 50 g of gentian root;
  • 500 g of vodka (no additives).
tincture and extract of gentian

The remedy must be infused for eight days. It is best to drink liquid 20 minutes before meals. The optimal amount of the product at one time is twenty drops diluted in water. Also, gentian is included in the composition of herbal preparations, which have a laxative effect.

To prepare such a drug you need:

  • gentian roots;
  • rhubarb;
  • vodka.

The mixture must be infused for 10 days. The drug is taken in the morning and evening before meals for 0.5 tsp.

Gentian for gastritis

exacerbation of gastritis

it the plant has been used for gastritis for a long time. Receiving funds from the addition of gentian softened the condition during exacerbation and could completely cure stomach.

It must be remembered that gentian is used only for gastritis with low acidity. Otherwise, the herb may aggravate.

The herbal collection for gastritis includes:

  • mint;
  • yellow gentian root;
  • Japanese sophora;
  • three-leaf watch;
  • flax seeds;
  • succession.
homemade gentian tincture

All the ingredients must be mixed in equal amounts. Then 1 tbsp. l. pour herbs a glass of water and boil for at least the Ready mixture to infuse for 45 minutes. The strained broth is consumed within a month. Take three times a day before food, 1/3 cup each.

Contraindications to the use of gentian

pregnant women should not take gentian

Grass and medicinal preparations based on it are contraindicated for people with increased acidity. After all, the bitterness that is inherent in it can exacerbate gastritis.

Not the herb should be used by women during pregnancy and lactation. The constituent plants are able to increase the uterine tone, which is dangerous when carrying a child. Also, the herb can change the taste of milk.

You should not drink gentian at high pressure, because it can provoke a hypertensive crisis.

Gentian or gentian is a very beautiful plant with many medicinal properties. Its leaves, stems and even roots store a lot of useful qualities, without which the human body cannot exist.

Studying the properties of gentian - video


