Onion peels for indoor flowers - an excellent feeding and salvation from diseases and pests

Tell me how onion peels are used for indoor flowers? Recently, I began to notice that my geraniums are somehow depressed. The leaves begin to dry out and crumble, and the young rooted cuttings stand still for a long time and do not grow, but do not disappear either. A friend advised to pour the husk infusion, she says that she often fertilizes her flowers like that. How to prepare fertilizer correctly and how often can you use it?

onion peel for indoor flowers Hardly anyone likes the smell of onions, especially when you cut them, and tears spontaneously drip into the cooking dish. Oddly enough, many insect pests also do not like a specific smell. This is what most flower growers use, because onion peels for indoor flowers are one of the available natural insecticides. In addition, due to its rich composition, it serves as a fertilizer and provides the plant with the necessary nutrients.

What are the benefits of husk for plants

onion peel

The husk contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the development of indoor flowers, for example:

  • carotene, which increases resistance to disease and kills fungus;
  • phytoncides that destroy bacteria and fungi;
  • vitamin B1, which helps the sprouts to process carbohydrates;
  • nicotinic acid, which stimulates the formation of roots and strengthens them.

However, some crops react negatively to onion infusion. So, you can not use the husk for feeding or processing succulents and ficuses. Under natural conditions, their growth does not have such extracts as onions, and the flowers may die.

Onion peel for indoor flowers - dressing recipes

husk infusionIt is easy to prepare a nutritious infusion, because all that is needed for this is husk and water. The main thing is that the scales are beautiful and golden, without black spots. The latter indicates that the vegetable itself is sick with a fungus. It is impossible to use such material so that the disease does not spread to the flowers.

Most often, decoctions are prepared from the scales, and the concentration of the working solution depends on the purpose of its use:

  1. Watering. Pour 2 tbsp. boiling water 1 tbsp. flakes, simmer over low heat for 4 minutes and let cool.
  2. For watering and top dressing on the sheet (spraying). Prepare a concentrate: pour a glass of husk with 2 liters of water, boil and wrap. Then dilute the infusion with 10 liters of water.
  3. Treatment of flowers from pests. Pour 1 liter jar with 2 liters of warm water and leave for 2 days. Add soap, wash and spray on the leaves.

You can use onion infusion no more than once every 3 weeks.

It will not hurt to add dry onion husks to the substrate when growing flower seedlings. It will serve as a disinfectant, and will also increase the immunity of seedlings.

How to fertilize flowers with onion peel - video


