An important addition to the diet of animals and poultry is meat and bone meal, instructions for use

Tell me if meat and bone meal is suitable for adding to feed for young broilers, is there an instruction for the use of this additive? Something our youngsters stopped gaining weight, it seems that there are no sick individuals, they just do not grow and that's it. In the spring, the bird was brought out with the help of an incubator for the first time, almost everyone is alive. It would be a shame if they start to disappear already at that age. My mother once gave this flour to pigs when we were still keeping them. Is it okay for chickens and how? I already bought it, and it is so small, maybe stir it with something?

meat and bone meal instructions for use Protein plays an important role in the development of all farm animals and poultry. With its lack, weight gain, growth, and full development are inhibited. Meat and bone meal will help to avoid deficiency and fully provide protein and other useful substances, the instructions for the use of which must be strictly followed. After all, not only a deficiency, but also an excess of such additives can give side effects and disrupt protein metabolism. In order not to provoke diseases caused by an excess of protein in birds and animals, the dosages for each species should be adhered to.

Why is meat and bone meal added to feed?

why give meat and bone meal

The protein supplement is obtained from the waste of the meat processing industry. They are boiled, crushed, sieved and removed from metal impurities using a magnet. After processing with special preparations against fat oxidation, the flour is packaged and sent for sale.

Quality flour of brown color and fine fraction. It contains at least 30% bone and muscle tissue and no more than 20% fat and 7% water. It also contains more than 30% ash. Yellow flour is a poor quality product with a lot of chicken feathers. It is impossible to give it, especially to a bird, so as not to cause cannibalism.

The use of meat and bone meal for adding to the diet of birds and animals:

  • increases egg production;
  • increases productivity;
  • enriches feed with vitamins and minerals, increases its nutritional value;
  • normalizes metabolism in birds and animals;
  • stimulates weight gain.

Meat and bone meal - instructions for use

meat and bone mealIt is recommended to give protein feed in the form of an additive, mixing it into wet or dry mash. The rates depend on the specific species of birds or animals, as well as on their mass. The daily allowance for cattle is from 10 to 100 g of additive, for small animals - no more than 20 g.

The percentage depending on the total mass of feed per day for different categories is:

  • young pigs and boars - up to 15%;
  • sows, layers, young poultry from 3 to 10%;
  • rabbits - no more than 10%;
  • geese, ducks, turkeys - 5-7%.

When adding flour to wet bags, this is done at the last stage, after steaming. The additive itself must not be heat treated, otherwise more than half of the composition of vitamins and protein is lost.

It is impossible to exceed the dosage so as not to provoke the onset of diseases. Poultry develops gout, and animals develop amyloidosis (violation of protein metabolism).

Chicken mash with meat and bone meal


