What we know about the cultivation of fragrant borage cucumber herb at their summer cottage

borage herb The amazing borage herb has long been of interest to farmers, culinary experts and traditional healers. In ancient times, for example, Roman soldiers included it in their diet. This helped them to be always in shape and even win battles. And modern scientists say that it contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals necessary for the well-coordinated work of the body. Therefore, today medicinal herbs attract the attention of not only culinary specialists. The plant is used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

aromatic plant borago

What are greens with an original aroma? How to grow it in a summer cottage? What are its beneficial properties and how to use the herb for your own good. Find out what the experts are saying.

Top view of valuable culture

blooming cucumber grass

The plant belongs to the Borage family. It has several names:

  • borage;
  • Volodka;
  • borage;
  • borage.

In summer cottages, it is grown as an annual crop. During the season, it grows up to 60 cm, although there are also specimens of a meter in height. The plant has an erect main stem and many spreading side branches. All of them are covered with large silvery-green foliage.

edible borage herb leavesThe surface of the fleshy plates is covered with fine villi. They are rough to the touch, like sandpaper. The foliage is oval. The one on the side shoots resembles an elongated ellipse. And rounded plates crown the borage cucumber grass.

borago bloomsDuring the flowering period, the culture wears a lush outfit of small buds gathered in graceful panicles. They are painted in blue, which is diluted with pink dots. Snow-white bristles are visible along the edges of the petals. The first buds bloom around the beginning of June, and the last ones fall off in the fall.

borago fruit with seedsThanks to the "hard work" of insects, fruits in the form of nuts are formed in place of the buds. They are ribbed and colored brown. There are about 1000 seeds inside, which are used to multiply the crop.

Today, there are many varieties of borage grass. Such varieties are considered the most popular.:

  • Okroshka;okroshka variety
  • April;april grade
  • Dwarf;grade gnome
  • Brook;sort of trickle
  • Vladykinskoe Semko.Vladykinskoye Semko variety

Each of them is attractive in its own way. Some plants have large foliage. Others have a rich aroma. There are varieties that are used as a decorative garden decoration. However, edible options with a storehouse of nutrients are considered the most valuable.

When growing borage in the garden, you should eat it before flowering. If you wish, you can sow a new bed.

Borage cucumber herb, how to grow a crop from seeds

how borage herb is grownIn order to enjoy the original taste of lush greenery all summer long, the process of growing medicinal herbs begins in early spring. However, the soil is prepared in the fall. First, the site is dug up. Then, if necessary, make potassium salt and superphosphate. In the spring, when the snow melts and the earth dries up a little, the place for the borage is again loosened and fed with ammonium nitrate.

seed sowing depthIn the prepared area, holes are made about 2 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. The grains are laid out with an interval of 10 cm. The crops are sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. After 10-12 days, sprouts will appear on the surface.

The seed sowing procedure is carried out every 14 days so that there is always fresh greens on the table.

Practice shows that only thanks to competent planting and caring for borage cucumber grass, you can get high quality greens. Therefore, young seedlings are regularly weeded, removing weeds... When the topsoil dries up, the bed is moistened abundantly. Watering is carried out taking into account natural precipitation. In the rainy season, the plant does not need additional moisture.

borage cucumber grass at their summer cottageDespite the fact that the culture loves a lot of light, it is also sown under branchy trees. If summer is predicted to be too hot, in partial shade the plant will not bloom as quickly as in the sun. This means that there will always be an excellent green delicacy on the table.

The process of growing cucumber herb from seeds is successfully launched in the fall. The garden bed is prepared in the traditional way. Make holes according to the scheme and lay out the grains. Fall asleep with soil, watered. In spring, there will be green shoots that can be eaten.

Busy gardeners can leave a few bushes with fruits in the garden so that they are fully ripe. The nuts will open randomly, the seeds will fall out and germinate the next year. However, this method can lead to uncontrolled spread of grass throughout the garden.

Borage is successfully grown on a windowsill using spacious containers or pots.

Useful properties of borage for the body and application of the product

useful properties of borago

Having carefully examined the cucumber herb, biologists have found a number of valuable components in it:

  • vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • a number of acids (malic, citric, ascorbic, lactic);
  • saponin;
  • alkaloids;
  • trace elements (iron, phosphorus, lithium);
  • sucrose;
  • essential oils.

In European countries, doctors are actively using culture for various diseases of the heart and nervous system. They recommend that patients regularly include herb in their diet.blank

Traditional healers have also appreciated the beneficial properties of borage herb, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

Therefore, they advise using the product when treating:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • diarrhea;
  • rheumatism;
  • eczema.

In each case, the age and degree of the disease are taken into account. Before using the product, traditional healers recommend consulting your doctor. Only through joint efforts is success achieved in the fight against ailments.dessert decoration

Fragrant inflorescences of cucumber herb are used for cooking:

  • hot drinks;
  • medicinal tinctures;
  • confectionery.

However, they are first dried in the classical way. Flowers are laid out on a wooden surface. Placed in a well-ventilated area. The finished product is stored in paper or cloth bags.

Hot tea with borage buds helps with angina and bronchitis.

The healing power of honey

pollen collectionThere are many types of sweet food. The most popular are the floral, linden and buckwheat varieties of natural sweetness. However, bees do not miss the opportunity to feast on nectar and cucumber grass. The result is a valuable transparent liquid with a delicate taste.

Thanks to the valuable components that make up the product, such beneficial properties of borage honey have been noticed:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • diuretic effect on the body;
  • stimulation of protective forces.

natural honeyWith regular use of honey, a person becomes more balanced. He easily endures the hardships of life and does not fall into depression. In addition, metabolic processes are restored that affect weight. Borage honey especially helps with various colds.

The product is actively used in the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Borage oil as a food supplement

borage oil

Scientists have proven that the product contains a huge amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • linoleic;
  • palmitic;
  • oleic;
  • stearic;
  • palmitoleic;
  • arachidinic;
  • prezoic.

Due to this, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Healing liquid is often used as a dietary supplement to maintain immunity.

In addition, borage oil is used to treat:

  • arthritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • periodontitis.

External use of borage oil

fighting skin problemsThe emollient property of the product helps in the fight against skin diseases. Therefore, its application has received universal recognition. The liquid penetrates deeply into the skin of the face, head and neck. Thanks to this, nutrients stimulate metabolic processes that stop aging.

The oil, made from borage cucumber herb, is used to remove acne, as an auxiliary component. It is applied directly to the damaged area and rubbed thoroughly into the skin. The product is used in pure form, without diluting with water. After several procedures, the pimples dry up and later disappear forever.

The substance serves as a wonderful remedy for moisturizing the skin of the face and removing decorative make-up. It is applied to a piece of cotton wool or a cosmetic disc and then gently wiped on the eyes, lips, and cheeks. The residues of the substance are washed off with clean water. Use tar soap if desired.

borage oil for solving skin problemsWomen who go through menopause often feel dry scalp and face. Using borage oil, the problem can be easily fixed. If the substance is applied to the sensitive area at least once a week, the result will not be long in coming.

strengthening nailsBorago oil is of great benefit to the nail plates. Cosmetologists advise to apply it on nails several times a week. The result will appear only in a month. Therefore, the procedure must be performed carefully and patiently.

fight against psoriasisMen with psoriasis can take advantage of the miraculous product. It is applied to the wound with a thin layer, after which it is thoroughly rubbed into the skin with massive movements.

Even when using borago oil in cosmetology, you need to consult a doctor. Self-medication sometimes leads to serious problems.

How nice that such a valuable culture exists in nature. Borage cucumber herb looks very attractive. In addition, it exudes a pleasant aroma. The grass is grown by sowing seeds directly on the garden bed. The product has a beneficial effect on the body. It helps to fight various ailments and also improves the condition of the skin and nails. Let such a plant appear in our summer cottage.

Borage cucumber herb from sowing seeds to harvesting - video


