Features of planting and caring for anemone blanda

Tell me, are there any peculiarities of planting and caring for anemone bland? In the fall, a neighbor planted her plants and shared her deals with me. I planted them under an old apple tree, and now I am worried if there will be enough light for the bushes there.

anemone blanda Anemone blanda is one of the many varieties of anemone, distinguished by its drought tolerance and photophilousness. The second name of the flower is "anemone", it is also known as tender anemone, probably for its thin stems and unobtrusive color of inflorescences. In flower beds, this plant from the buttercup family is quite common; flower growers especially like to use anemone as a ground cover crop. The lush bushes grow quickly and form a beautiful carpet with colorful flowers.

Today there are more than 150 species of anemone and tender anemone - one of the most elegant and unpretentious decorative varieties used in home floriculture.

Planting and caring for the anemone blanda will not create any special problems, given the nature of the plant. Having chosen a sunny place for flowers, you can admire the flowering of a perennial for a long time, paying very little attention to it.

Description of the species

Anemone blanda is a mountain flower that grows naturally in the Caucasus, the Balkans and Asia Minor. Also prefers nutritious lime soil when grown at home. It grows in the form of a very delicate and airy bush: thin stems up to 20 cm high with beautiful carved leaves grow from the upper part of the tuberous rhizome. In late spring, single, but rather large, chamomile inflorescences, up to 7 cm in diameter, bloom on the bushes.

Anemone bloom does not differ in its duration, and lasts only 3 weeks.

The main color of the delicate anemones is considered to be blue and its shades. But breeders have bred no less beautiful anemone hybrids, painted in different colors. Among them are the following varieties:

  • anemone blanda Blue with deep blue daisies;anemone blanda blue
  • anemone blanda Mix (undersized bushes with flowers of different colors: pink, white, blue and blue);anemone blanda mix
  • anemone blanda Blue Shade (dwarf plants no more than 15 cm in height with blue inflorescences).anemone blanda blue shade

Where to plant?

Tender anemone is one of the most light-loving species, so a well-lit place should be allocated for a flower in an area where water does not stagnate, because anemone will not tolerate excess moisture. The soil is more suitable for her fertile and neutral. Sand and ash are added if necessary.

With a lack of lighting, anemone blanda develops poorly, the bush stretches out, and flowering does not occur, or it is very scarce.

How to plant?division of rhizome

Tender anemone reproduces in two ways:

  1. Seeds... Due to the very low germination of seeds, the method is rarely used, but it is still possible to get new plants in this way. Seeds are sown in boxes immediately after being harvested in summer or before winter. The boxes are buried in the garden and covered for wintering. Seedlings sprout next spring, and bloom only at 3 years of age.
  2. By dividing the rhizome... At the end of summer, the tuber is dug up and divided into fragments, each of which must have at least 2 buds. Delenki are seated in a new place, deepening them into the ground a couple of centimeters.

During seed propagation, anemones blanda seeds should not be deeply deepened, and the soil under the crops must be kept moist.

How to care?

Care anemone gentle is simple and includes:

  • regular watering of the plant;
  • mulching bushes to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture;
  • fertilizing with mineral preparations during the flowering period;
  • creating additional shelter for the winter when grown in regions with severe winters.

Anemone is a delicate and very persistent plant, it is simply created for rock gardens and rockeries, and also gets along well with most flowers in a flower bed.

Video about growing anemone in the garden


