How to get rid of chicken feathers

For what reason may chickens have a feather, how to get rid of it? Recently, she began to notice that the bird has lost its appetite, almost does not lay eggs, has become somewhat nervous and began to go bald. Chickens simply pull out their own feathers, there are already several, which have a bald whole belly. A neighbor said that these were such parasites, she advised them to put a bowl of sand and ash in the chicken coop so that they could swim. I did so, but it didn't get any better. Maybe there are drugs for a feather-eating?

chicken feather eater how to get rid of Whether you have only a dozen layers or a whole poultry farm, it is important to follow all the rules for growing them so that the bird is healthy and does not get sick. After all, unsanitary conditions are the first reason for the appearance of both diseases and parasites. And one of the most dangerous parasites is the chicken feather, it is important to know how to get rid of it in order to save the birds. The danger, first of all, lies in the simply rapid rate of reproduction of the feather eater. These small insects lay many eggs, and in just a week, one infected chicken "rewards" the entire chicken coop with parasites. How to understand that this is a feather eater, what does it appear from and how to rid chickens of parasites?

How to determine that a feather eater has started up in a chicken coop and what it is


The feather eater is a small louse no more than 3 mm long, light brown in color. It lives on feathers, which it clings to with its paws and jaws. The louse feeds on feathers, skin particles and ichor. Feather eaters are caused by increased temperature and humidity in the house, overcrowding and contamination from other individuals.

Infection of a bird with a feather-eater is called mallophagosis.

Mallophagous symptoms:

  • chickens become nervous, lose appetite, weight, begin to pull out the fluff from themselves and constantly clean their feathers;
  • bald spots appear on the bird's body;
  • the bases of the feathers are damaged, the rod is exposed;
  • oozing wounds form in the places of baldness;
  • the eyes are covered with crusts from the secretions.

Feathering in chickens - how to get rid of parasites

treatment of chickens from feather-eatingYou need to start saving a bird from parasites as soon as they are found. Otherwise, when combing the wounds, chickens can also introduce infection. Of the folk methods, sand-ash baths are effective, which will help the birds shake off parasites. For this, containers with sand and ash are placed in the chicken coop, in which the bird bathes. Dried herbs are also laid out in the house, mixing them with the bedding. Lice do not like the smell of chamomile, wild rosemary, tansy, juniper and rosemary. The bird itself is treated with a solution of vinegar, kerosene and water (1: 2: 1/4), wiping the feather cover with it.frontline from peroed

With a large-scale lesion, special drugs are used. Poultry house treated karbofos or butox. And the feathers of chickens are moistened with insecticides, after a course with double treatment. To do this, you can use the drugs Insectol, Tsifox, Kombat, Bars, Stronghold.

Treatment of chickens from feather-eating


