Why are carrots wormy and what to do to save the crop

Don't know why the carrots are wormy and what to do to make the fruits grow normal? This year the harvest was plentiful, the roots are even and large, but one problem: almost half were perforated. What is possible, I cut it off and froze it in grated form, but most of it had to be thrown away. As a result, only two small boxes were sent for storage, which is very annoying given our growing volumes. Who ate our carrot and can we somehow avoid it?

why are carrots wormy and what to do Sweet and juicy carrots are not averse to taste not only by us, but also by many pests. They spoil the fruits and make them unsuitable for further storage, so all gardeners should know why carrots are wormy, and what to do with this phenomenon. The reasons for the appearance of wormholes on root crops are commonplace: these are various pests that eat them and even breed their offspring in such moves. If you do not take timely measures after the appearance of insects - "pioneers", they will soon settle down on all carrot beds. And then you will have to forget about large and juicy carrots, and instead of it you will get fruits spoiled by moves. It is pointless to bring them into the cellar - vegetables with a broken outer shell will not lie. In addition, there is absolutely nothing to eat there: after you cut off the spoiled pulp, there is little left. Is that one thing: in time to identify and destroy the pest.

So, the reason for the appearance of wormholes on carrots is the vigorous activity of such pests:

  • carrot fly;
  • wireworm;
  • scoops of exclamation point.

Why are carrots wormy and what to do if it is attacked by a carrot fly

carrot fly on carrots

Small auburn insects with porches for root crops are not dangerous until the larvae are laid there. It is the fly's offspring that is engaged in "laying labyrinths", because they need food in order to grow. They start from the top of the fruit, gradually gnawing through the passages along its entire length, as a result of which the plant begins to fade even in the garden.

However, you can notice the defeat of the carrot beds by a fly even at the initial stage - the tops near the head acquire a purple color.

You can fight carrot fly by spraying plantings:

  • infusion of wormwood or tomato tops;
  • concentrated (2%) saline solution;
  • insecticides (Decis, Actellik).

To prevent flies, scatter tobacco dust mixed with ash over the area before sowing carrots. Insects cannot tolerate this smell. They also dislike the harsh aromas of spicy crops, so plant onions or garlic next to the carrots.

Why wireworm is dangerous for carrots

wireworm on carrotsUnlike the carrot fly, it is not so easy to notice this pest, because the aerial part of the plants at the initial stage often remains unchanged. In addition, the wireworm itself is a worm that lives in the soil, so it cannot be seen from above. It is located immediately in the fruits themselves, feeding on them. But in places where there are already fruits, the carrot begins to rot. It is then that the foliage withers.

If you find the wireworm late, when the carrots are already growing, you can spread potatoes soaked in a special preparation Bazudin in the aisles. The pest will eat the poisoned tuber and die himself. Ammonium nitrate can be sprinkled over the beds immediately after sowing. But it is best to add ammonium sulfate for digging in the fall. Or the same Bazudin mixed with sand.

How to deal with exclamation scoop on carrots

exclamation moth larva

As in the case of the fly, it is not the scoop itself that is dangerous, but its larvae. Large and thick, they bite off the root first. After that, the plant loses its nutrition, and the tops wither sharply. In the meantime, you will notice this and will think about what to do, the larvae will gnaw through the passages in the fruits themselves.

The most effective way to fight is to catch adult insects with sweet traps before they have time to lay eggs. You can also spray the plantings with Karbofos.

Carrot pest control - video


