Early ripe sunflower Buzuluk will delight you with a good harvest

Please tell us what the Buzuluk sunflower is? We tried to plant this crop several times, but so far it has not been possible to harvest a good harvest. Our summer ends quickly enough, and the caps simply do not have time to fully mature. A friend advised the Buzuluk variety, says that it is early. How many days before harvest?

sunflower buzuluk Despite the fact that sunflower is considered a "field" crop cultivated on an industrial scale, it is also found in private gardens. Especially popular is Buzuluk sunflower - an early maturing and hardy variety. It features a shorter growing season while maintaining high yields. And the endurance of this culture only plays into the hands of gardeners: the sunflower is not afraid of either drought or disease. Of course, this is only possible if the growing conditions are observed. What is this type of plant and is it difficult to grow it?

Characteristics of the variety

sunflower field

Buzuluk is a very "convenient" sunflower in terms of private gardening. It belongs to low-growing varieties: the height does not exceed 176 cm. The stem of the plant is erect, slightly inclined, with a pubescent upper part. It branches weakly, the leaves are large, with a serrated edge, heart-shaped. With such a modest growth, the sunflower baskets are rather large - the diameter of the convex cap reaches 21 cm. They are densely packed with oval seeds with a characteristic black color, but with the obligatory presence of a gray rim along the edge of the achene.

The variety has a high yield. From 1 hundredth you can take up to 40 kg of tasty large seeds with a high oil content (up to 54%).

One of the main advantages of Buzuluk is its early ripeness. From germination to harvest, no more than 95 days pass. At the same time, the sunflower rarely suffers from various rot and powdery mildew, and the moth "does not like" it at all. It is also drought-resistant, because thanks to the developed root system, it extracts moisture for itself in the lower layers of the soil.

Sunflower Buzuluk: cultivation features

sunflower seedsLike other types of sunflower, the variety is picky about lighting. It will give a good harvest only in a sunny area, and with a lack of lighting, the ripening of the crop is postponed.

The soil should be fertile and loose. Lowland and clayey areas are not suitable for this crop. Poor lands should be enriched with humus.

Sunflower grows best after corn and potatoes. But legumes and tomatoes are bad predecessors.

You can start sowing seeds no earlier than the ground warms up to 8 ° (at a depth of 5 cm). An earlier planting will delay the emergence of seedlings, and a late planting will reduce the yield and oiliness of the achenes. Affects the yield and planting density. For 1 sq. m should grow no more than 5 sunflowers. It is advisable to process the seeds with potassium permanganate before planting.

Despite its drought resistance, during the period of setting and ripening of caps, the variety requires watering. To maintain high yields, additional feeding will not interfere. You can fertilize a sunflower with potassium humate or such preparations:

  • Optim-Mix;
  • Titon;
  • Adaptin;
  • Nutrivant Plus.

You can start harvesting when the sunflower has stopped "walking" after the sun, and the leaves have dried up.

Cultivation of Buzuluk sunflower by late sowing - video


