Useful properties of plums: composition, use in cosmetology

useful properties of plums

The benefits of plums are endless. This plant, whose leaves and fruits have a unique composition, is incredibly popular all over the world. Knowing all the features of berries, you can cure a number of different diseases and prevent their development.

Chemicals that fruits contain

useful substances and vitamins in plums

Plum is a dietary product, the nutritional value of which is does not exceed 42 kcal per 100 g of product. With systematic use at times the risk of vitamin deficiency in both children and adults is reduced.

4 dried fruits of medium size contain about 3 g of fiber.

The fruits of the tree are rich in vitamins and minerals such as:

  • A, C, PP, E;
  • group B;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • fluorine.

Also in the skin and pulp of the berries there is zinc, nickel. Besides Moreover, plums are rich in molybdenum, a very useful and essential component.

Plum leaves are rich in coumarin. This substance is capable of thinning the blood, and also brings the walls of blood vessels to a normal state.

Useful properties of plums

delicious juicy plum

This is a very useful product that has a beneficial effect on both for an adult and a child's body. Plums can be consumed by everyone, especially suffering from constipation and bowel disease.

Tea made from plum leaves and twigs relieves inflammation and strengthens tooth enamel.

vision problems

Plum fruits are shown when:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases. Dietary fiber found in fruits helps lower cholesterol levels, and phenolic substances normalize blood pressure. Also, berries are a good prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.
  2. Oncological diseases. The fruits of the tree are able to affect the altered cells, thus preventing the development of diseases such as breast cancer.
  3. Being overweight. Plums, despite their high levels of sugar and carbohydrates, accelerate metabolism. Because of this, they are indicated for various types of diets.
  4. Low immunity. Vitamin C and iron help to produce healthy cells faster, which strengthen the immune system. Thanks to this, the human body is less susceptible to various bacteria and infections.
  5. Low vision. Daily consumption of fresh and ripe plums significantly reduces the development of macular degeneration of the eyes.
  6. Improper digestion. Berries are rich in dietary fiber. They restore bowel function and also promote the elimination of hazardous substances. Also, plums are indicated for the prevention of neoplasms in the digestive system and Crohn's disease.
  7. Unstable psyche. Daily use of this fruit will help normalize sleep and improve memory.
  8. Brittle bones. Potassium and polyphenols restore tissue density, and rutin and caffeic acid fight osteoporosis, post-climatic syndrome.
bone problems

Also, plums have a positive effect on the skin. They slow down aging process, relax the nervous system and increase the duration life.

Plums during pregnancy and breastfeeding

early pregnancy

Women who are carrying a baby are very susceptible to products. This applies not only to spices, vegetables, but also berries. Therefore, before than to start using plums, you need to know their effect on the body future mother.

During pregnancy

In the first trimester, plums are indicated for pregnant women. Pulp berries helps to saturate the body with all the trace elements that are needed for correct development of the fetus. Also, berries will reduce the manifestation of toxicosis and help restore metabolism, which is disturbed as a result of hormonal changes.

Plums are recommended to be consumed in the last months of bearing a child. But you should not abuse this berry, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

When breastfeeding

feeding baby

Plums do not change the taste of milk and its composition, so eat it is possible and even necessary. The main thing is to introduce into the diet gradually and in small quantities. You should start 3 months after giving birth.

Plum in cosmetology

mask with plum pulp

The pulp of the fruit has found its application not only in cooking, but also for the preparation of anti-aging masks. Plums improve skin condition, nourish and tone it. Minerals that are in the composition are capable of to strengthen the nail plates and hair.

Plums are used for cooking:

  • scrubs;
  • creams;
  • masks;
  • tonics;
  • lotions.

Thanks to beta-carotene, you can get rid of fine wrinkles. It will also help stop the loss of collagen, which affects the structure cells.

In cosmetology, in addition to pulp, seed oil is also used. It is a valuable product with many beneficial properties. The composition of the oil includes stearic, oleic, palmitoleic and other acids. In addition, in its composition includes iodine and valuable vitamin E, which is well absorbed and softens the skin.

Effective face masks

flawless skin

This mask can be used for skin that has lost its natural color and covered with fine wrinkles. Also, the mixture will restore elasticity and remove age spots.

To prepare it you need:

  • 1 tsp liquid honey (any);
  • 1 teaspoon fresh plum puree.

Put both components in a container and mix thoroughly. Then apply to previously cleansed skin. It is necessary to keep the mask in within 20 minutes. After the end of the time, rinse the product with warm water, and fix the result with contrasting washing.

In order to get rid of acne, you need boil 2 plum fruits. Grind the pulp and add 0.5 tbsp to it. onion juice. It is necessary to apply the prepared mask only on steamed skin. It should be kept for no longer than 20 minutes. Then rinse with room water temperature. Repeat the procedure once every 2 days.

Plums for hair care

hair care

To strengthen hair and give it a natural shine, you need to take 6 parts of chopped plum pulp, 3 parts of honey and 1 part butter. Put all components in a blender and bring to a homogeneous consistency.

Then apply the ready-made mixture to the hair (along the entire length), cover with plastic or put on a cosmetic cap. For the best effect it is recommended to wrap the hair with a towel on top. Keep the mask on for an hour. Wash off the mixture only with warm water and a little shampoo. To repeat the procedure is necessary at least 2 times every 7 days.

If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, then the hair will acquire not only natural shine, but will also be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

Who shouldn't eat plums

babies can plum in a small amount

Abuse of even such a berry can lead to negative consequences. They manifest as diarrhea, heartburn and even increased acidity in the stomach.

Do not consume more than 600 g of plums at a time.

Should be used with extreme caution by people with:

  • high levels of obesity;
  • inflammatory processes that occur in muscles, joints;
  • diarrhea;
  • stones in the bladder;
  • gastritis.

It is also worth giving up plums for those who have an individual intolerance. They are also contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. Only a small amount of heat-treated plum puree is allowed.

Plum treatment recipes - video


