The benefits and harms of consuming dandelion honey

the benefits and harms of dandelion honey Common dandelions, which many mistake for a weed, have a whole range of beneficial ingredients. They can be eaten in many ways, such as making dandelion honey, the benefits and harms of which are described below. This is a natural medicine that can heal from various ailments.

Natural honey and artificial

homemade dandelion honey

Natural dandelion honey is collected by bees. It has a bright color and rich aroma. But the nectar of this yellow flower is bitter and if there are other flowering plants nearby, then the bees fly around the dandelions. Therefore, it is difficult to find natural honey from these flowers, and it will not cost cheap. Although it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

But such a product can also be prepared in the home kitchen without the help of bees. The dandelion honey recipe is not complicated, the process does not take long. But the benefits of the delicacy can hardly be overestimated.

Read also the article:dandelion jam recipes!

Useful product

sunny useful flowersThe energy value of 100 g of the product is 190 kcal. Tea with such a delicacy will invigorate and give strength.

What are the benefits of dandelion honey? It is a natural source of vitamins and microelements important for the body. The mineral composition of dandelion honey is impressive:

  1. Phosphorus - helps to study and work, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.
  2. Calcium strengthens the bones and muscles in the body.
  3. Magnesium is involved in vital processes in tissues and organs.
  4. Potassium is the "main" vitamin for the heart and brain.
  5. Sodium - contributes to the normal growth of a young body and helps to maintain vascular elasticity.
  6. Iron regulates the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  7. Manganese will help fight fatigue and sleepiness, and even banish depression.
  8. Zinc - improves skin condition and has a beneficial effect on cells throughout the body.
  9. Selenium is one of the main enemies of oncology.
  10. Copper - contributes to the proper growth and development of body cells.

Not every vitamin syrup from a pharmacy can please with such a rich composition. A few spoons of this delicious potion a day will help the body fight stress and viruses.

unique product from dandelion flowersIn addition to minerals, dandelion honey also contains a whole bunch of vitamins:

  • AND,
  • IN 1,
  • IN 2,
  • AT 5,
  • AT 6,
  • AT 9,
  • FROM,
  • E,
  • TO,
  • PP,
  • Choline
  • Beta carotene.

It is a natural vitamin bomb. Vitamin C will help fight infections, strengthen immunity and strengthen bones. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system and promote cell regeneration. Vitamin E is called the "vitamin of youth", and its use improves the condition of the skin. Vitamin PP helps lower cholesterol levels.

These are just the main components of healthy dandelion honey. But how many of them are still included in the composition of the medicinal product and benefit the body!

Regular consumption of 4-5 tablespoons a day of such honey helps to reduce blood pressure, removes toxins from the body, supplies the body with a complex of vitamins, helps to gently cope with the problem of constipation, relieves migraines and helps fight stress.

Tea with it honey will give strength and strengthen nerves, help fight colds and viral diseases. Also, the product helps to normalize microflora and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Its components improve the structure of bones and prevent the development of osteochondrosis.

Is it possible to harm dandelion honey

Despite the obvious benefits of dandelion honey, it can still be harmful.

Dandelion honey should also be used with caution for those who have a reaction to bee products. Homemade honey uses flowers rich in nectar and pollen, therefore, it should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

For children under 5 years old, it is better to refrain from such a delicious treat so as not to provoke diathesis.

In diabetes, the consumption of sugary foods is limited, and honey is a very sweet product.

Weight problems are another reason to give up dandelion honey. It improves appetite.

If dandelions are collected near roads or in an ecologically polluted area, then such dandelion honey will do more harm than good.

Gastrointestinal disorders are another reason to refuse sweet medicine. The fact is that dandelion honey is a laxative. And in case of stomach diseases, it can cause discomfort.

Dandelion honey recipes

dandelion flowers for honeyThere are many recipes on how to make dandelion honey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described above. The recipe can be changed to your liking, adding various components that will make an already healthy product even more valuable.

In any case, first you need to prepare flowers for honey. They must be collected away from the roads, away from the metropolis.

Dandelions, like a sponge, absorb all pollution from the atmosphere and soil. That is why the place of collecting flowers is so important.

Large blossoming healthy inflorescences without signs of disease are suitable for honey. Only yellow flowers are included in the product, without stems and other green parts. They need to be thoroughly washed under running water. Better yet, soak for three hours to remove all possible contamination.

Dandelion honey with lemon

ingredients for making dandelion honeyTo prepare it, you will need 300 blossoming flowers, 1 large lemon, 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.

Wash and dry flowers. Pour in a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat. Add chopped lemon, with peel. Leave to infuse for at least 6 hours. Then strain and squeeze out the boiled flowers well. For further work, you only need liquid.

Boil the syrup from a glass of water and sugar. Add flower infusion. Boil for half an hour. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

It turns out a dandelion jam with a color and consistency reminiscent of honey. Perhaps that's why they call him that? This recipe can be varied by adding mint or currant leaves, pieces of ginger root or cloves. In each case, you get a fragrant and healthy product.

Dandelions with honey

This recipe will be appreciated by honey lovers. The collected flowers must be prepared as described above and dried well. Then grind in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Arrange in the agreed jars and pour in fresh liquid honey. All! No heat treatment, but how much use!

It is not at all difficult to make dandelion honey at home, the benefits of which are great, and the harm is minimal. This delicacy will improve your health and mood, and save on medicines from their pharmacy.

Read also: Dandelion - medicinal properties!

  1. Ludmila

    I cooked dandelions without heat treatment, but I also did not soak them like everyone else does. Made with honey. Started taking it three times a day before meals for 30 minutes. That she's worried that she didn't soak it and added lemon here. Maybe lemon was not included in this recipe, since I did not cook it. And I lost that recipe on classmates and I don't know how much time it takes. The question is whether it will not be harmful without soaking, and I also added a lemon from myself. Because it didn't seem to be there. How to take and how much ????? Who knows, please write in a personal to classmates.Maybe this recipe that I used to reset it. And I am going through the second day I accept, and I have something going on with the liver or gallbladder. In short, in the right hypochondrium. I'm waiting for advice. Did I have a problem with the liver or vice versa? cleaning??? 05/25/2019 Lyudmila

  2. Aleksandr Vladimirovich

    Rules for using dandelion honey, benefits and harms

  3. Agrafena

    I made the honey myself and kept it in the refrigerator. A dark bloom appeared in one can. Can I use it?

    • Olga

      I would not risk it, especially if the color changed only in one can. In general, it is not recommended to store such a delicacy for long. I myself have never made such preparations, but from the people who use them, I heard that the maximum period is a year in a cold place.


