Sugar bison tomatoes have earned the love of gardeners

tomato sugar bison Tomatoes Sugar bison is one of the most popular and favorite tomato varieties, bred by Russian breeders in 2004 and introduced in 2015 in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The variety got its unusual name for its large fruits with sugary pulp. The rights to the tomatoes Sugar bison are owned by the Aelita agricultural company. You need to pay attention to this when buying seeds so as not to buy a fake.

Description of the variety

large juicy fruits of tomato sugar bison

Sugar bison is recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia. Only in the southern regions it is grown in open ground, and in the middle lane it is cultivated in greenhouse conditions.

In the characteristics of the tomato Sugar bison it is indicated that it belongs to the medium early indeterminants (unlimited growth). The bush grows powerful, spreading up to 1.8-2 meters high. The fruits ripen 90-100 days after planting the seeds.

The leaf plates of the Sugar Bison are green, drooping, elongated. The first inflorescence appears after the seventh leaf, the rest are formed after one or two leaves. On one brush, from 3 to 5 ovaries are formed.

The first tomatoes appear 3 months after planting the seeds. Usually they are the largest on the bush, reaching 500-800 g. Further tomatoes weigh 250-350 g on average.

Fruits are of medium density, ribbed, flat-round and heart-shaped. Depending on the degree of ripeness, their color changes from pinkish to raspberry. Tomatoes have 6 or more seed nests.

The fruits of the Sugar Bison are tomatoes with a sweetish-sour, rich taste. The pulp is dense, not watery, but soft and juicy, sugar content is visible on the cut. Ripe tomatoes are immediately eaten, juice is made from them, canned, tomato paste is produced, so they are not stored for long.

The yield of the variety is average. During the season, with proper care from a square of land in a greenhouse, 7 kg of tomatoes are collected.

Ripe tomatoes of this variety are not suitable for long haulage because of the thin skin, which often cracks and the fruits lose their presentation.

The crop for transportation is harvested when the tomatoes are still green. They ripen well within a month and a half at room temperature.

We grow tomatoes Sugar bison through seedlings

tomato seeds sugar bisonSugar bison is planted in the ground with seedlings that are grown at home. Sowing seeds start in early or mid-March. First, they are discarded, removing broken, darkened, spotted, deformed specimens.

Next, the seed is placed in a glass of water, with a spoonful of salt stirred in it, mixed. Seeds capable of sprouting will sink to the bottom. They are taken out and disinfected for 40 minutes in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Then it is kept in a growth stimulator (for example, in Epin, which will require a couple of drops per 100 ml of water) for a day. After the measures taken, the seeds are ready for planting.

For planting, use a universal soil or soil mixture for tomatoes, which is sold in stores for gardeners. Earth is filled with boxes or pots with a pre-laid three-centimeter layer of drainage (perlite, broken slate, expanded clay). The seeds are placed at a distance of 2 cm from each other and slightly "sunk" them into the soil or slightly sprinkle them with earth on top. Pour with warm water, put glass on top and leave in a warm (+23 degrees) room. Every day, the glass is removed, the formed condensate is removed, if necessary, the soil is moistened.

As soon as shoots appear, the glass is removed, and the container is transferred to a sunny place. Watering, focusing on the drying of the topsoil. Complex fertilizers intended for tomatoes are applied every week.

the seedlings are ready for transplantingWhen two true leaves appear, a pick is made so that the plant grows a powerful root system. Without it, their full growth and fruiting are impossible. Each plant is transplanted into larger containers and at the same time the main root is pinched.

A variety of unlimited growth, so even seedlings grow up to 30 cm in a couple of months at home. This fact is taken into account when choosing containers for plants after a pick.

Further cultivation of sugar bison tomatoes consists in watering the seedlings, making additional fertilizing every 21 days. Seedlings need 14-16 hour daylight hours. If there are cloudy days, it is supplemented with phytoluminescent lamps. In the first week, the temperature for seedlings is maintained from +14 to +16 degrees. As they grow, the temperature is raised to +23.

Transfer to a greenhouse

transplant tomatoes sugar bisonWhen the seedlings are 60 days old, they will grow up and get stronger, they are transplanted into a heifer. A week before planting, the plants are hardened, leaving them daily for several hours at a slightly open window.

Prepare the beds by scattering them humus (requires at least 10 kg per square meter), dug up. They form holes with a depth of 20-25 cm. No more than 2 holes are made per square of soil, since the bushes grow sprawling and will interfere with each other.transplanting

Seedlings are abundantly moistened with warm water, left for half an hour so that the earth is thoroughly moistened, and the plant freely leaves its planting container.

Each bush is transplanted into a separate hole, sprinkled with soil, lightly crushed. When all the seedlings are planted, they are watered with warm, filtered water.

Tomato care

caring for tomatoes in the greenhouseSugar bison grows well and bears fruit in the greenhouse under optimal conditions. Caring for tomatoes is as follows:

  1. Watering. Tomatoes are watered strictly at the root, every 5 days. Until mid-summer, the soil is kept moist, when the period of fruit ripening comes, the intensity of watering is reduced.watering tomatoes
  2. Loosening and weeding. The soil under and around the bushes is loosened slightly after each watering so that a crust does not form. Once a decade, it is loosened to a depth of 5 cm, while removing weeds. Weeding and loosening improves oxygen access to the roots.
  3. Top dressing. 2 weeks after planting in the greenhouse, the bushes are fed with nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen is needed to build up green mass, phosphorus to accelerate the development of the root system. During flowering, fertilizers with nitrogen are removed, fertilizing is carried out with minerals. When forming ovaries, organic and phosphorus-potassium dressings are used. During fruiting, the bushes are fed with boron, iodine, potassium, thanks to which tomatoes accumulate sugars, become fleshy. root top dressing
  4. Protection from diseases and pests.In the description of the tomato Sugar Bison it is indicated that the variety is resistant to diseases, and even without prevention it gives an excellent harvest. But experienced gardeners prefer to protect their plantings. From late blight, plants are treated with garlic infusion, from gray rot with fungicides. Insecticides will protect against the main tomato parasites (whiteflies, aphids, spider mites).tomato processing
  5. Bush formation. When additional shoots begin to form, pinching is carried out. Form a bush into one or two trunks. The role of the second trunk is performed by the strongest stepson, which forms at the bottom of the bush. Additional shoots break off. tomato bush formationDuring the flowering of the seventh brush, pinch the top of the bush to stop its growth. It is obligatory to tie the bushes to the trellises.
  6. Harvesting and storage. Sugar Bison's tomatoes ripen together. The first fruits of their labor begin to take off 90 days after seed germination. They are stored for one and a half to two weeks at room temperature.If they are placed in a cool, dark place, the shelf life will double.the harvest is ripe

Tomato Sugar bison is not in vain so fond of gardeners. With good season care, they get an excellent tomato harvest with juicy, sugary pulp.

Large juicy tomatoes Sugar bison - video


